14 hours for a 48 second clip!
This is an Intel i7 3.4 Ghz Win10 X64 w/24 gigs of DDR4 ram, card is ASUS 1660 GTX, 6GB Vram, w/Turing
DirectX version 12. CUDA v. 10
Clip properties: 1920x960, MP4, h264 (NVENC) codec.
At first DAIN said "Out of Memory" on a 6GB card that had more than 4GB free,.. when it was requesting only 500mb of Vram.. So I adjusted the section/padding down to 200/80 and it worked.
14 hours for 48 secs = 17.5 secs per frame = 788 hours aka 32 days for a 90 minute movie; or 87 hours (3+days) for a 5.5 minute clip.
That's ridiculous and un-doable for me!
Something seems very very wrong here.