What do you think that would make this game a greater one? Maybe a new feature, some little detail, or a big one! Please shared it with us!
This is the tale of the of the Sun God and the Moon Goddess · By
Hi Fat Panda,
I've got a lot to talk, so I think I'll split it into different sections - and save more for later, since I'm not done with the demo as of yet. Here are some of the things I think the game could improve upon, and further iterate,
Aesthetics and Readability:How Fat Panda intends to tackle these issues that I've encountered is entirely up to the devs.
I'll get back more on this, later.
¡Buenas! //( ^ェ^)/ Aquí mi listado de ideas que creo que podrían mejorar la experiencia:
-In the menu, you should be able to use the D-pad instead of the analogue stick. I accidentally hit a diagonal on the analogue stick and changed the language unwittingly.
-Did not like how I couldn't move my character at all while using the weapon. It made the character feel stiff and lacking in agility.
-The inconsistent sprites and text broke immersion. The numbers in particular felt like a placeholder.
-Monsters took a really long time to die, and I was usually just spamming the same button. There's almost no attack variety, like different types of swings you can chain together. It felt like a grind.
-The monster sprites honestly did not look good. It was hard to tell what anything was, and they didn't look very cool or memorable. The artist should focus on design fundamentals, looking at other successful monster sprites for inspiration.
-Lack of agility and variations on the main attack are in the most need of improving. Those above all made it not as fun as it could be.
Hola amigos, creo que las sugerencias que ya les han hecho están en lo correcto, aquí pongo lo que creo:
- Sería mejor que el héroe pudiera moverse mientras ataca, una solución a ello para conectar un golpe más y esquivar más fácil es brincar y atacar pero también limita la cantidad de golpes que se puedan hacer, si el personaje se moviera mientras ataca o hubiera un comando para esquivar mejoraría.
- Sé que seguramente todo sigue siendo preliminar, pero como dicen, un estilo gráfico único para todos los personajes sería ideal
-Los hitboxes no son parejos entre los enemigos y el héroe, ellos conectan donde nosotros no.
-Con las armas secundarias estaría bien que las más débiles no tengan lag, mientras que las más fuertes como las bombas está bien
Mantengan el buen trabajo, el juego tiene mucho potencial.