Sent an email for support on saturday with the same questions, but decided to post in the forums as well just to be sure.
I got pretty frustrating with no replies after 5 days but i understand the's staff is not exactly big, and everything is probably slower due to the quarantine. Maybe someone here got the same problems and stuff.
So, i published a commercial game on, and made the tax interview, which was confusing but i think i got this right in the end.
I'm not sure if this is a problem, but i did retake the interview 2 times, since i was confused about the electronic signature bit. The first 2 times, i choose not to give an electronic signature (I was really confused about it, thought i would need some kind of license or something), then got in the process of printing the form and physically sign it. After some reasearch, i updated the tax interview one last time accepting the electronic signature and apparently everything was ok in the end.
I believe my tax interview are in checking stage right now. There's some way to confirm it? Checking my gmail, the tax support sent me 2 emails about how i didn't completed the form and a signature was still needed, but they seem to be automatic mails sent after i did the interview the first 2 times. This is normal? Can i ignore them? Both emails are exactly the same, btw.
Aside that, my published game is unindexed at the moment. This is normal since i put a price in a game for the first time, right? How long it normally takes? I released the complete version of the game with the price on friday if i'm not wrong.
The game was indexed before the release and price set, when only the demo was available. It's likely that the game is unindexed now due to the first time price set but i also changed the url and put the published game back on draft to edit the page before releasing the complete version. It's possible that the game got unindexed for these motives as well?
While unindexed, seems like people can still buy my game if they access the url. Can i sell my game sending the url to people despite the itch's staff still checking it?
Can my game take part on the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality even though it's unindexed?
That's it, you people have my thanks.