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Need Feedback for my Game [In Progress]

A topic by SpotoGameStudio created Jun 14, 2020 Views: 462 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 5


Hello guys!

This Game is not finished. The Game is in Progress and i need feedback. I have a lot ideas for new Updates. I work on a Online Scoreboard. Please tell me what do you like on this game and not. Tell me something about:

  • Sound effects
  • Backgroundmusic
  • Game Feeling
  • New Ideas
  • Good and Bad Feedback

Thanks for your time!


Hi, just try your game. Sample and fun :D

In my humble opnion: 

The Sound Effects: are okay the jumping sound, the falling and the destroyed platform are all okay.

The Backgroudmusic: for me was a great choice, gives me the feeling/idea of a funny simple game.  

My feeling about the game, when I first start I was very good, music, the design. 


For the Basic: Moving Plateform, smaller plateform, speed plateform, one shoot plateform (you have all of this)

- Catching coins/points, some wind blow in the side too push you in different directions for example, sticky plateform (unable to move to the sides).

I cannot give much more ideias because I think this kind of game is keep it simple and challenging, or you got some kind of LVL's where you go for increase and hardcore game but if the game is called Infitiy Jumper is only to get one level and get the best score :).

Again just my opnion.

Thanks for the Feedback! :) Look my new Update


Hi FSpoto98,

Well done making this game! You say its still in progress, but it looks really polished! Here is my feedback from playing it:

  • I’d love some quite of pause menu, especially when the player loses and before starting a new run.

  • When stepping on the platforms with the cracks, the whole screen flashes white for a few frames. I’m not sure if it was because I played this at night with all the lights off, but I’d prefer a smoother way of communicating the platform is about to break. Maybe have the platform itself flash with a high-contrast colour? This may also be an issue with users with photo-sensitivity, but I have much experience there.

  • A lot of times, when a platform with the boost-arrow appears, it’s often the only platform I can land on to move higher, because the character jumps one platform-to-platform height at a time. This means that I’m not picking myself to get the boost, but the game “forces” me, which eliminates the “rewarding the user for taking the boost” feeling. I think it would be better if every time a platform with the boost-arrow appeared, it would have a plain platform next to it, to suggest to the player that taking the boost is their choice, which is rewarded.

  • The score on top of the game would really benefit from having an outline, or some colour, to easily separate it from the background. The game already requires attention and concentration, it’s more difficult when the score is not as visible.

  • I see the score scaling up at times, when the character bounces on the platforms. Based on playing the game 2-3 times, this seems to be the “new High Score” animation? If that’s the case, it would be better to have some text/icon that flashes once when the player beats the high score, and stays next to the score, instead of it animating every time a higher platform is reached.

  • I know the game is not finished, but it would be quite fun if the background (and walls) changed as the player moves up, almost as if exploring a new area now.

This is a bit nit-picking:

  • The walls are following a small repeatable pattern. It would be more fun if they had several sprites that were alternating randomly as the user moved higher.

I’ve also noticed a bug:

  • If a platform is close to a wall, keep bouncing on the platform while touching the wall, and keep tapping the arrow towards that wall. After a few seconds the character will clip through it.

I hope this helps. Obviously most of the things I’ve posted are opinions, so take only the ones you like :)

Thank you for my Feedback! :) You can look my new update


So, I played the game a couple of times (before I made my account), and it's cute...
Sound effects: Not extraordinary, but very okay! However, auch, the player death sound is so loud it makes my ears bleed!
(May we have an option to not have the screen flash on player death?)
Background music: I came back to the game for the music...
(Can there be more? This track is really nice, I like it! However, imagine after 100 hours of play...)

Game Feeling: I like how the platforms are very forgiving and the character can climb its way up a platform. I just like forgiving games.
The jumper platforms, however, launch you in a situation for which you might not be prepared, and also might launch you to a space where there are no platforms in range to fall on. I think it's very unforgiving and not fair; it feels like death to RNG. I'm okay with dieing because I hesitated in mid-jump, or misjudged my range, or to poor mid-air control on my end. But not to RNG. (I'll suggest a double jump later.)

Please, don't add platforms that will immediately disappear after the first player jump, particularly acceleration platform. New players (myself) will die, to the game baiting them to jump on the accelerators.

Ideas: Emergency jump, obviously. A second jump with the up arrow, that would require several seconds to recharge (seconds are a long time in this game), or every time an accelrator platform is used.
Moving platforms could be more rewarding: higher jump height based on the size and speed of the platform?
Procedural RNG. Done by reseeding the RNG at start of the run.

(1 edit) (+1)

it was good, i feel like the player could have been given more visceral reward for climbing higher, e.g. areas with different appearances, some more interesting UI for the distance you have climbed, my idea is you have a scrolling, mostly transparent map that looks similar to the compass UI in a lot of games that pinpoints your location, highscore, and indicates good places to reach e.g. the start of those biomes, other rewards, etc.

At first i read 'background music' and thought, what music? and it turns out that the music starts muted despite not being according to the icon. it was suitable for your game though, if you were willing to put extra into that biome idea to really spruce things up a bit you could add slight variations to the music per biome: take Celeste's track 'reach for the summit' as inspiration, just probably not quite a strong of an effect as in celeste.

As for 'game feel' i thought it was pretty good; just mess about with the camera, particles, movement, see what works. at one point however, i died because i saw the top of a boost arrow and for whatever reason decided it would probably bounce me even though the actual platform was offscreen - make of that what you will

As for new ideas, possibly dot little surprises occasionally to make the player want to explore: just a theoretical idea and i have no idea if its a good one but if there was to be any sort of shop - perhaps it would not be housed in the menu but somewhere on the infinity-cave-tube-mountain-thingy, probably only a short distance up.

Overall, i enjoyed it and have followed your itch account: i look forward to your next move.

I'll probably post something similar to this for my own game so stay tuned - if you want to give feedback rn you can find it here: