Hi! I greatly enjoyed my first playthrough of this game; it's cute, charming, and fun, and I like that the premise reminds me of Recettear :)
However, the part where you chase the "ghost" out of one of the rooms stuck in my mind, because Elinor uses the phrase "he or she" multiple times, where "they" would be more appropriate to refer to an unknown person. Besides "he or she" sounding awkward, it made me somewhat wary that the game would bring up something uncomfortable or borderline queerphobic later on (and I expect many other queer folks would feel the same way). That phrase is usually used by English prescriptivists preserving their notion of "correctness" at the expense of including or acknowledging nonbinary people, hence my worry (being nonbinary myself). Besides, the ghost is subsequently referred to as "it" again, despite you discovering the ghost is actually a person, which makes even less sense to me...
I hope you understand my reasoning. I don't bring this up lightly, as it does legitimately concern me, but I also don't mean any ill will towards the developer, or intend this as a demand. I just want to make this world a little cozier, and that includes making games feel more welcoming in small ways such as this.
Thanks again for the game, and thank you for reading! 馃挏