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A surreal puzzle adventure game with unique mechanics / capabilities. · By Future Cat Games

Weird name problem (I guess very minor spoiler from the beginning of the game?)

A topic by Cocaine Owlbear created Jul 03, 2020 Views: 347 Replies: 2
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So after I entered the passcode to turn on the computer in the very first room and read the stuff that was coming up, a little Windows notification window popped up saying something along the lines of “Only you can help her, itchplayer.(series of random numbers)!”

I’m paraphrasing because I can’t remember the exact quote - but it’s that last bit that’s bugging me. I feel like it was supposed to put something more personal there - a username perhaps? But instead, it used an internal ID that I didn’t even know existed. So, with no connection or even awareness of that number, what could have been meaningful or creepy was instead just confusing.

I know I can’t get that moment back, but is this normal behavior? Did I do something wrong?


It's normally supposed to grab the PC user's name, but depending on how itch runs it, it might grab the itch name instead?

You'll have an opportunity to rename it pretty early in the game.

Oh, okay. Thanks!