Hey, I would love to receive some feedback here. This is our very first project from start to finish and my first ever release.
Develop a game and fail to control your projects and employees progress. You have 48 Hours, your job is on the line. · By
Nice art style! The concept of splitting your time between working and managing your team is a cool idea, it would be nice to see it expanded; for example having a little mini-game you had to complete while working and/or making your work essential so that the project can't get finished until you complete your work.
Other than the visual glitches and bugs, the biggest problem for me was lack of player feedback. It was very hard to tell when I was successfully doing something, or even when something was going wrong. It might be why BorisTheBrave was having trouble figuring it out.
Congrats on finishing a game though guys, good luck on your next one!
(And thank you for being responsible, stay safe!)