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A member registered Jun 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really cool 'platformer', I think letting the player influence the rolls by stopping and letting them know which to shoot for was a really great idea. I've seen a couple games now with the random power-up mechanic, but this was one of the few that gave the player influence over that and I think it makes a huge difference. 

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Blew me away, I'm a big fan of factory-style games and I was very impressed with how much of that was present here in this jam game. The evolution of the gameplay, and having to rethink how you've setup your 'factory' was a highlight, my only complaint is It ended so soon, I could have kept playing for hours. 

Really cool idea, and I really enjoyed the art and music as well. Reminded me a bit of Undertale with the twist on turn-based combat. 

Really cool art/music/writing, so much atmosphere and horror from so little, I survived my run with no losses which was a little anticlimactic, but still a very impressive effort.

I had some good fun with this, I got this feeling of danger and scale which is hard to get in turn based games. I think the art really helps sell atmosphere and the mechanics we're interesting enough while striking a nice balance of complexity. 

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Very cool game, good art, ran well; I  was very excited by the upgrade system. I kinda stuck to using the same dice, I would have liked more info on what my opponents are up to so I could change up my strategy more . 

Very spooky, looks great and the gameplay itself works well, would have liked to have more influence on the outcome though. 

Amazing game, the first jam browser game that I just had to download and play more.

I like the concept of the game a lot and I feel like it works pretty well. My only wish was a way to execute actions a little faster, especially once the enemies are gone and there's a bunch of loot.

A little rough graphically, but I had a good time with it for what it is, I wish I understood the relationship between the dice and the spells better. 

I like the idea, but I without the ability to somehow influence the rolls, I feel like the dice mechanic doesn't have much effect on my choices as a player. 

Sure: I had a bandit encounter, which worked fine before. If I remember correctly I chose the option which requires the deer icon. I think I succeeded the roll, but the game just sort of stalled out there, I was left with the 'you encountered a bandit' message, but an an otherwise empty textbox. It was about 60% of the way along the trail at the top. 

Nice idea, made for very tricky puzzles, it's hard to track the order of the dice, but I suppose that's what makes it a puzzle. 

I really liked the concept and overall vibe of the game, I got a pretty good run going, but unfortunately ran into a bug and couldn't continue, even so it was a good time, really well done. 

It seemed like a promising game and it looks nice enough, but I could not get the jumps to work. I see that other players have gotten further so it's probably a me thing, but I tried fiddling with the space bar and wall jump but had no luck. 

The story is cute, I liked it, and the game looks great, but I'm not sure what I'm meant to do exactly as a player. I don't feel like there's much for me to do in the way of making choices. 

I really like the concept behind the game, but it's very difficult to keep up. Maybe starting by letting the player control the forward movement at first would help ease into the gameplay. Still, a great idea and it look/plays good. 

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Thanks for trying our game, glad you liked it, and really appreciate the in-depth comment and feedback. I'm particularly pleased that you took time to explore and see the sights: our artist (bloodylove) will be thrilled to hear it, so thanks especially for that. =D

It's a nice puzzle game, with a lot of content. It runs well and looks good. 

Really cool little puzzle game, I think the concept could go pretty expanded if you wanted. It looks good and runs well. Good Job!

I'm not sure I completely understand the design, but I played through it twice to see the different options. There was something mind-bending going on in the hallway. It ran quite well, and looks great, overall Good work.

I was really impressed with the game, it ran perfect for me and looks good. It could have used some more complicated puzzles, or just more in general, but the concept seemed well executed. 

For how simple it is conceptually, the game is a ton of fun. A good example of how a good idea, implemented well, can shine. Very well done. 

A really cool and original idea. It looks good and it runs well. I was especially impressed by the amount of seemingly custom audio. That must have taken a lot of effort so well done. 

Yea, sorry about that crash. We ended up running out time to optimize the browser version. The PC version should have no such issue, but I know most people prefer browser. Thanks for looking at our game. 

I see, thanks for sharing your thought process: that's interesting, I hadn't considered the attraction aspect. I was completely sucked in by the concept and presentation, so It didn't occur to me. 

I like the idea, and everything looked good and ran well. I had a little issue with the AI where once I got close to it, it seemed to stop fighting me and I could put it between myself and the bullet or hole. Aside from that, I think it's a really good job. 

I really liked the graphics and the idea. The game ran well and everything seemed to work. I had a really hard time with the first minigame compared to the others. I'd like to see a version where the first games are easy, and the more difficult games are added on. 

Good idea, made well. Little short, but that's how Jam games are.  I was really impressed with how this solves the 'can't push from the wall' problem that's common in games like these, by letting you materialize in walls after switching dimensions. Good Job!

Good visuals and design, and I think it fits the theme well, but I had a lot of trouble controlling the cursor on the web version (mouse and keyboard), full screen helps, but was still a little off.

Wow, a simple innovative idea, really well executed. Amazing work, I think the difficulty could use some tuning if you wanted to take it further. 

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I really like the concept and art, gameplay is clever and everything seems to work well. Really good job guys.

I liked the look and feel, and I think the vibe it conveys can fit with the theme, but I wasn't sure what the 'game' was, I felt like I was wondering around, I found the 'guy' 3 or 4 times, but I'm not sure what comes next.

I love the art and style of the game, but I found a little tedious waiting for the child to move onto the 'right' spot.

I really liked the concept, the art, and the overall vibe, but I feel there was a few more issues that needed to ironed out before release. 

Cool puzzle game.

I really loved the idea, the look and feel of the game, it all seemed really good, but the level of the randomness on the hook left me feeling that I couldn't progress. 

I had a rough time controlling the physics, but I liked the idea and feel you executed it well. 

I think you did a good job expressing the concept you we're going for. It feels a little rough around the edges and I think it could use for polish but overall a really nice game.

I like the idea and the art, but I was missing audio and couldn't quite figure out the 4th level.

Overall I think it's a really solid entry.