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Can I use fifth color for alpha mask invisible color in sprites?

A topic by alexsilent created Aug 29, 2020 Views: 326 Replies: 4
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I think in real Game Boy we can use only 4 colors at all and use one color for mask/alpha color in sprite, but
Can I use fifth color for alpha mask an invisible color in sprites?
In fact there's will be 4 visibility colors at all and + one invisible color for invisible pixels in sprites.

(1 edit)

It depends on your goal; it may be simplest to just have 2 sprites next to each other using 2 different sprite palettes, each of 3 colours plus transparency. On the hardware, you should theoretically be able to flicker between 2 sprite palettes each frame, to simulate more colours.  So using that flicker must be ok, but that’s very limited on the DMG screen & strictly speaking you’d need to match the GB & LCD refresh rate.


"invisible" is not a color as far as the jam rules is concerned, so you can have 4 colors plus alpha

oh good!  this didn't even occur to us, so we were using all 4 colors plus transparency in our sprites.