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A member registered Jan 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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hmm. haven’t noticed candy not incrementing. we’ll have to look into that; thanks for the heads-up! and thanks for playing!

thank you for playing!

i agree. if you run into ghosts or spiders you will be scared and lose some candy and be taken back to where you started. the hit boxes were made a little too small after some feedback, which made the game a bit too easy.

thanks for playing!

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you’re asking if hatching or cross-hatching is allowed and… does that create any more colors? it doesn’t look like it. all of the hatching in that image is done with the same color: black.

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there’s a video… if you’re not seeing it, maybe you need to turn off a plugin in your browser or something?

thank you!

thanks! here’s the palette we used if you’re curious.

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hmmm. doesn’t make any sense to me as my screen is lower resolution (about half the size) and the game easily fits in my browser window. i appreciate all the info though! hopefully we’ll figure this issue out at some point so it can be prevented in the future. your game looks great btw, i’ll check it out soon!

interesting. are you on a smaller screen? and are you sure you don’t have the page zoomed in at all?

i’m pretty sure it’s not a graphical issue causing the lag. it runs at the 160x144 pixel resolution and just scaled up to 800x720, which isn’t very big. my guess is that it may be loading the audio that is causing it but we’re not sure. did the lag continue for you for a while? for me, it only last a about 10 seconds before the music stops stuttering.

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each key opens a specific door. if it doesn’t open one, look for another. i think we could have made this clearer, but unfortunately we didn’t come up with a good method for that in the time we had. sorry for the confusion!
i’ve experienced some choppiness with the framerate too, so you’re not alone. for me, it’s usually just on the main menu and it goes away after a few seconds of playing. it might depend on your computer specs? thanks for the feedback and for playing!

no. you get 2 colors and just those 2 colors. not shades or tints of those colors but 2 specific colors that have a single RGB value.


heyyyy! you got it submitted. looks like a great start! hope you’ll keep working on it after the jam.

doesn’t appear to follow the resolution or 4-color requirement either.



please do not pay for any work for this jam.

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can confirm, Game Boy did not have a mouse as far as i’m aware.
here’s what the jam pages says:


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seems okay for me. might be something with your phone browser? idk. glad you were able to join!

are you sure? it seems to work for me.

yeah, it’s fine. nothing you can do about it.

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GameJolt probably does a similar thing that does where it adjusts scores based on how many votes they get above/below the mean of votes per game.

oh, duh. yeah, it explains it right there in your screenshot. it’s a weighted average.

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as ThreeDuck pointed out, yes it is allowed as long as your resolution is smaller than 160x144. previous jam pages have mentioned Pico-8 in a section with popular game engines, but i guess that was removed this year.

you can achieve a gradient-like effect by using dithering between 2 colors. image.png

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image.png image.png

this is only the first paragraph of the rant, but you can read the rest on the jam page linked above.

it might be helpful for you to look at past jam entries to get inspiration and an idea of what can be done with only 4 colors.

here are a few examples:

image.png S25XXU.png image.png

hello! i just wanted to make sure you understand that the restrictions of this game jam require you to make pixel art (with a screen resolution of 160px x 144px and only 4 colors). i didn’t see any examples of this on your website but hopefully you’ve done some pixel art to prepare for the jam.

this is really cute and chill! i love the sprites and music! i had a little trouble figuring out some things, but enjoyed playing.

yeah, like it says in the description, this is an unfinished jam game. it has a sort of ending, but it’s definitely not worth it. just a different message when you go back to your house. i think there are like a dozen pieces of furniture to collect, which in hindsight was way too many for how little gameplay i got done. coins don’t do anything but make a sound when you collect them. thanks for playing!

GBJAM 12 community · Created a new topic JOIN THE DISCORD
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where all your questions will be answered

before joining our discord

omg it’s Toby Fox! pick me! pick me!

a little late i guess, but… you can send private messages on discord, so making a new server shouldn’t be necessary.

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64 x 64 is tiny. look through past game submissions.

i found a plugin for pixel-perfect scaling for RPG Maker. i think you will just have to set your game resolution to 64x64 and it should take care of the rest probably. i have no idea how to change the game resolution since i have never used RPG Maker.

btw, i searched google for “low resolution with rpg maker” and checked out some of the results until i found a reddit post that mentioned that plugin. you can often find answers on your own by doing this first!

i’m pretty sure you only can have 1- 64 x 64 pixel resolution screen for the entire game. that’s all you get.

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Hi, please take a look at the information on the jam page (there’s a very detailed FAQ on there as well). That should answer all of your questions. You could also check out some entries from last year. That might give you an idea of what we’re looking for. If you still have any questions after that, let me know. :)

I didn’t see anything in the rules about it, but I assumed that working in teams is allowed.

i could not pick it up when it was above me. removing collisions with the player sound like a good choice.

having a manual like NES games is a great idea if you have time for it. i would just make the manual a pdf file that is separate from your game. i don’t think many NES games had a manual in the game itself, but if you wanted to put it in the game you could have it accessible from the main menu and/or pause screen. i would keep it at the same resolution and use the same buttons to navigate through it though.

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okay HELP! i have dropped the cube on myself and i can’t move! i couldn’t figure out how to drop the cube once i picked it up, but then i aimed up and it dropped on my head. D:


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this is really cool! nicely done! i feel like the controls could be a improved a little bit. pressing down to shoot seems kind of weird to me.
also, it would be nice to have some checkpoints or a way to reload at each room because i softlocked myself.

EDIT: nevermind! i see that i shoot through the blue tube to get back to the first area. image.png