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Game Devlogs Page 2

Version 0.4.13
This release focuses around extending the character relationships with Pi Lip and Aei Ma. New Features Pi Lip and Aei Ma have a new stage that can be achieved i...
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1-Year Anniversary!
Hi friends! It's BowserPuma again. Hope you all are having a wonderful Friday :3. Just want to hop on here and celebrate the one year anniversary of publishing...
Full Game is OUT Now!!
Major Update
Alas, here it is! My Assassin Bodyguard is finally out! It was honestly an odyssey to finish and post this game. It was supposed to be ready 20 days ago, but, I...
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V 3.18.1
This update for Love & Legends Remix includes a minor fix for Reiner Season 2, Episode 4. Reiner Season 2 Fixed an issue in Episode 4 where the game would refer...
Welcome to Velocity
Major Update
Welcome to Velocity! This is the most this game has ever been worked on since its original creation in 2014, so we hope we can make this something special. :3...
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We unjammed the gamejam game!
Game updated to fix cheat code bug...
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Gather and give up a following to summon a bigger crowd!
Translations Fix
Every text should be translated in english correctly Fixed a place when in Chapter 1 Level 2 you cannot jump over the electric wall making it impossible to not...
1 file Major Systems and Content Update
This update brings major system improvements and additional content to enhance your gaming experience. Let's dive into the details: Additions: Vitals UI Redesig...
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Update: 2
Version 0.02 is out! Should fix the camera issues I at lower frame rates. Also limited to 60 so maintain solid performance more universally...
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Monthly Build Postponed
Hey there, we won't have a new build this month because we have been creating new and upcoming content to add for the next major build. While we continue creati...
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Релиз Blinded by the masks
Major Update
Blinded by the masks Спасибо двум банкам рэдбула, которые позволили нам довести этот проект до ч...
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Screenshot Saturday: 0.3.7 Preview #13!
Good morning! It's been another busy week, and what appeared to be a relatively easy task (letting the player overwrite a Mix when they're maxed out) was more i...
Update Coming Soon
Hello, it's been awhile. The final update for Falnarion Tactics III is in progress. But, somethings still need time to be created and worked on. Here is a sneak...
芹沢 SERIZAWA Developer’s Log 6: Serizawa Underwater
I guess I should preface with saying spoiler alert for a 70-year-old movie, but yeah, spoilers ahead. At the movie's end, Dr. Serizawa and Ogata dive down to wh...
Post Launch Fixes
We tried adding a video clip on the start and credit scenes but discovered that WebGL does not like videos. This was only discovered very late before submission...
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New match type, new features, new moves! (again?)
My dearest friends, Trauma Pro Wrestling has reveived yet another weekly update! Maybe not as bulky as the past ones, but just as important, since it takes care...
Postmortem devlog or something
Now that I'm finally done with the game, it's time to write a postmortem devlog! In this devlog, I'll be talking about my dev process of the recent update, whic...
Major Update
game is out now on my page...
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you wake up in a strange basement of a castle, try to find a way out, while avoiding ghosts and vampires
A little bit about references
An illustration from the first and from the second Acts. There is something to think about :3...
Major Update
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When playing Pokémon Yellow, a boy stumbles across the unpredictable...
Release 0.3.6
Release notes v0.3.6 - Added end game quest- Added emoticons! - Added speechbubbles for chat messages (in local chat) - Added new icons in Crafting window - Now...
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New update out
v.0.0.12 build is out: - Fixed some few issues, still some fixing to do for mute button goes on after restart (possible fix coming later). - Added new scrolling...
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Major Update
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Update 13
- Added sledgehammer and XM8 icons. - Raised the mamut's origin point - The point from where it sees and also the point that the homming rocket follows. - Added...
Colosseum Shooter Patch Notes Version
Colosseum Shooter Patch Notes V Please look at the start screen to see what version you are using. Please note that this is an early prototype build...
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Additional: Juice Bottle Fixes Playtime The menu music does not play after quitting the game...
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v1.4: pause indicator + deluxe edition!
Game Design
It’s been so fun watching people post scores and figure out how to get good at the game – a real treat to see others enjoying the game as much as I have. So...
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Game Website
Bad news: The game will not work on an old laptop. You need a good gaming computer with a video card no worse than 1060. Good news: This is a story-driven RPG w...
Project uploaded to
Major Update
First non-jam project uploaded to! Started as a fun side project, but evolved to become a full game! Feel free to add comments, suggestions, etc! Good f...
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Future Of This Game
Major Update
I am now planning on remaking this with proper platforming and better gunplay as well as making it longer. stay posted...
mise a jour 1.4
- modification de texture de block...
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Mini Update 2.0
Hello, everyone! I received a lot of feedback since the last small update so I decided to include the side stories in the playthrough instead of a separate tab...
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MYSTERY added - WORRYING WRITE-UP OF A WORDLESS WARD Different outcomes/events if DOOM is high SFX polish, typo fixes Item screens polish...
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v4.06.0 [2024.06.01]
Major Update
"Originally planned to be a smaller 'v4.05.1', this easily proved to be the most important update as a proportion to time spent on development. One of this game...
First release! v 0.5a
Major Update
Alright, so, first release time! Kill the Dead is a sidescrolling action game. I hesitate to call it a Metroidvania, because it's tiny, but I guess the game loo...
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Happy birthday to me!
Hi Booper Fans! Just celebrated my birthday and I'm happy to announce I'm another year older- and another year bolder ! I want to share the excitement with a br...
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Game upscaled to 1080p Added board, cards now gets placed in hand directly instead of board. 1.8 is a experimental mode, do you think this is better or worse?...
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Alpha 0.0.164
Changes: fixed bug allowing one torch to be horizontally placed on another one added a proper widget for changing controls This is the last release of Alpha, an...
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v1.1.8 Patch Notes
Back again with another small patch. Fixed an issue with copied save files not remembering what items have been collected. Fixed an issue where changing Shin’...
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Small Patch 6/1/24
Fixed Dark Lord health bar not updating when reloading game (save+exit --> rejoin)...
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LISP Game Engine devlog #9
Tech Discussion
A fantasy-themed strategy/simulation with indirect player control
An Onymus - Perhaps One Day Release
Major Update
An Onymus - Perhaps One Day It's here! The release version of An Onymus - Perhaps One Day! I hope you all enjoy it! Thanks to all the beta testers for making it...
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Dr. K strikes again!
In this update, we added some new transfurs, yes! You heard us right! CUSTOM Transfurs that don't suck ass! We also added a bit of lore here and there, new musi...
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Old school play-by-email horse racing
Major Update
Remember VGA Planets? No? It was a great turn based play by email game that was light on bling and heavy on strategic thinking. I've decided to try my hand at d...
начало разработки
1-3 день создания игры были сделаны спрайты. (ну и сюжет) Проблемы начались с того что у ме...
Learned a lesson
I wnat to summarize my thoughts on something and my thoughts on this experiance: I made a few notable mistakes when I started out that I have learned from now...
Tiny Breakers Camp - Final Devlog
Major Update
Hello everyone! Finally, Tiny Breakers Camp, full version is available on Hope you will enjoy the game and I cannot wait for your feedback. Have Fun! J...
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Part 10: Sailing Physics Simulation
Game Design
Some issues with animations when using the Bevy game engine have led me to introduce a home baked physics engine, more advanced sailing simulation, and unfortun...
Indefinite Hiatus from Ozeraft issues.
Major Update
Hello, Centum Knight players. This project will remain in undevelopment hiatus for the foreseeable future. This is due to my discussions of the character "Kagli...
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