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Thank you so much for following us. We are completely new to this and Inspirisles is the first TTRPG from Hatchlings Games Ltd . Despite this, we have had a fir...
Thanks to Oscar Cadena 's hard work, the Spanish version of the experience, “¡No leas este diario!” is available now ! Oscar didn't only did a great local...
Greetings Space Legionnaires, The Spoiled Spoils game jam has ended :D The theme was about making a monster, encounter, or some sort of content around the idea...
Check out how cool this wooden set for Royal Jelly, made by @spacefinner, is! I really like the bee & wasp pieces. Source:
Невероятно, но прошло больше года с тех пор, как я ступил на этот Путь. Позади множество...
hey everyone, it's your boi, maik. I'm really glad with your compliments and appreciation. It's been some tough days for me, so they are truly appreciated. As I...
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A big thanks to all those who downloaded this in the past few days. For some crazy reason this little project of mine is nearing 40,000 downloads all time. Bob'...
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This post will soon be translated in english ... J'ai mis en ligne un retour de lecture sur les premiers jeux issus de ce DRS. N'hésitez pas à les consulter...
It’s been an exciting week here in the world of Fire and Stone! Firstly, Fire & Stone now has a Knave-compatible character sheet created by the inimitable HOD...
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Hi fellow bug lovers, I’d like to invite you to join the Beetle Knight discussions over on the new Brooklet Games discord server! It’s a great place to talk...
Let's unchain the Chained Panopticon! Hey everyone! A quick update after the first 24 hours of funding. We reached 45% of our goal! I'm so happy with how well-r...
Howdy! The downloadable pdf is now available! Those who have already purchased access should now be able to feast your eyes upon the project that has eaten two...
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In 2015 or so, Josh Trujillo reached out after the success of his Death Saves comics anthology kickstarter to invite me to help write for a stretch goal: the T...
Vessel of The Garbage God came out of nowhere for me. It started with a tweet from Jeeyon Shim a little over a week ago. She was talking about working with Ja...
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What Is Compersion This week I released a playtest of my polyamorous card-based roleplaying game, Compersion . I was able to do this thanks to Story Synth , a n...
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Quand l’excellent Matthieu B., l’homme-orchestre derrière C’est pas du jdr , a parlé de Jouer un personnage sur Facebook, ça a provoqué des réaction...
Hello Brigands! First up, I want to invite you all to join our Discord Channel! We're organizing games of Brinkwood, talking shop, posting memes, and having a g...
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Hello Brigands! It's been quite a journey, hasn't it? When we started work on Brinkwood back in March of last year, we had no idea that, less than a year later...
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It's not technically an update about the game but I think it's worth mentioning the release of my episode of The RPG Academy Film Studies dedicated to "The Name...
Quando ho cominciato a scrivere Ravenloft Dark , volevo creare un gioco con regole moderne – e poche: solo quelle che sarebbero servite – per giocare nella...
The Kickstarter campaign is going very well, every day new people decide to support the project, and thanks to them (and by "them" I mean you!) we are quite smo...
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Hello peeeeople! Here is another forest creature, and a new name for the family! Thank you for all support! WELCOME TO THE TEAM DIANA...
🇮🇹 Registrazione del terzo playtest di Un ultimo bacio alla mia ragazza morta , giocato con Daniele Fusetto, che ringrazio molto per la disponibilità, pe...
Hello brigands! SO. Pretty significant update today. As you can see, I've uploaded v03 of Brinkwood, which rolls out a lot of new stuff, mostly geared towards...
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I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all who had looked at and downloaded It’s Dangerous To Go Alone — Take This from the Bundle for Racial Justice a...
Ieri sera ho playtestato per la prima volta Dragonslayer con Damiano, che già mi ha dato una grossa mano con i playtest di My Red Goddess . Scena per scena Pre...
This month, there’s a chance to play Perfidious Racket as part of A Weekend with Good Friends. The full convention details are here: https://blasphemoustomes...
🇬🇧 Last October I took part in Business Card Jam with Spell of the Week . Immediately, my friend Iacopo Frigerio expressed his appreciation for the game a...
🇮🇹 Ieri sera ho playtestato il gioco per la quindicesima volta con Alessandro, che mi aveva chiesto di giocare qualche giorno fa. Il dispiacere per non es...
Helloo Again! The Lion is out, and the community already has a new name for him! Welcome to the team: Tobias...
Hello team! Just to keep in touch about this cute project that I'm working with all my heart! =) So last week I asked the community to give a birth name to our...
Bueno, es la primera vez que participo en algo así, y quiero compartir con ustedes un momento decisivo en la creación del juego: el primer testeo. Quiero agra...
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Shit's wild. We all need some escapism as we fight for justice...
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🇮🇹 Come sapete, questo progetto mi sta dando notevoli soddisfazioni. Attualmente, siamo a quota venticinque playtest (!) che mi hanno dato riscontri che...
🇮🇹 Ieri sera, su “ GDR Unplugged ”, gli amici Sofia Montolli e Giacomo Vicenzi di Kobold in a Box hanno giocato a My Red Goddess . Potete vedere il vi...
Qualche giorno fa, sono stato contattato da Alessandro su Facebook. Alessandro è un giocatore che ha giocato con Eleonora, la sua ragazza, una bellissima parti...
🇮🇹 Continuano i miei “piani malvagi” secondo i quali, se non vado a una convention alla quale, invece, mi sarebbe piaciuto andare, devo recuperare con...
🇮🇹 Ieri sera ho playtestato il gioco per la sesta volta col mio amico Simone. Potete guardare la registrazione della partita su YouTube...
🇮🇹 Il 23 settembre 2018, in occasione della seconda edizione della PlaytestCon , ho giocato il primo playtest di Non ti scordar di me col mio amico Filipp...
🇮🇹 Ieri sera ho playtestato il gioco per la quinta volta col mio amico Saverio. Potete guardare la registrazione della partita su YouTube...
🇮🇹 Il 10 e il 12 settembre 2018 ho giocato il primo playtest di Non ti scordar di me col mio amico Loris Casagrandi. Potete guardare la registrazione dell...
Venerdì scorso (26 luglio 2019) sono andato a fare un giro a Bergamo, complice il fatto di aver dovuto accompagnare mia sorella all’aeroporto di Orio al Seri...
🇮🇹 Vorrei riportare qui una riflessione di Daniele sulla creazione dei giochi, che ho ritenuto molto valida e di ispirazione, e che mi ha aiutato a non sc...
Siamo arrivati a 30 manuali fisici prenotati e 35 contribuitori in generale. Un risultato splendido, di cui continuo a ringraziarvi. Soprattutto perché, avendo...
🇮🇹 Ieri sera ho giocato a My Red Goddess con Stefano Burchi, giocatore di ruolo, amico, nonché autore di giochi di ruolo interessantissimi sotto la sua e...
Hoy hicimos la primera prueba de juego con la comunidad externa de Red de Rol durante el evento de "The future is now", el cual comenzó el 28 de agosto de...
Il 30 novembre 2019 si è tenuta la quarta edizione del Discord Roleplay Day e – a mia insaputa, ma con grande sorpresa e piacere – Chiara e Giuseppe di Mor...
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Dogo Dash now has its own internet domain . We are building an website so you can get updates see how the project is doing. We are still looking for funding, so...
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