Physical game Devlogs About Game Design
We Forest Three took a lot of work, and I playtested it quite a few times to make sure it ran as intended. Seeing other people play this game really helped me s...
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We went into The Wyrd of Stromgard as total newbies- to both project management and game design at this scale. I’d like to say that the process was one logi...
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Today I made a cute background for the game page by overlaying a pixel avatar over colored pages of the game. I also want to keep making more adoptables. Howeve...
Hey guys, more updates on the game. My new pens came in. I promised myself I wasn't gonna buy anything to make this game but I caved and bought some pens, as w...
After the first playtest in June, I immediately started another month-long series on the Gauntlet. My players this time were Tom , Scot , Patrick, Adam, Will...
Hey all, I'm making a game for the ace jam and wanted to use this place as a space to write down stuff that I'm working on. It's a dev log, but more than that...
By June, I had an actual complete draft of the module, and I decided to playtest it on the Gauntlet , a gaming community I've been playing with for a while. I w...
First posted on official blog on 22 March 2019. Here is a small report about the Titans. The tests were positive and informative, and I am now working on the te...
Well, after some project reorganization and some late-night thinking, I've decided that the development process I originally had in mind is going to change quit...
As someone who runs and reads a variety of different games, I often fill in missing pieces when comprehending a new ruleset. This game is no exception. So I'm l...
Please pardon me while I take a break from obsessing over game design long enough to obsess over graphic design. Specifically, typefaces. If one of my students...
crossposting this from my twitter / tumblr so it'll be accessible here :) hi! let's talk about modding EotP if u want to play it w a poly relationship! normally...
We hope everyone's safe out there as we all bear witness to the tale of COVID-19. Whether you're in need or free to help, we encourage you all to look up mutua...
Spark Tables are a fantastic tool that can be used by Wardens to prompt ideas. Entries are general enough that they can be used as the inspiration for a person...
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Quick update about the next... update. It will mostly be fleshing out the lore of the Izyan Conflict setting, including examples of Regions at the urban, provin...
I thought I'd do a little look into the Interval mechanics in Twilight Song , since I used computer simulations of the game to design this part, and as far as I...
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When I first started sketching out the basic idea for Inscrutable Cities , I knew that it would (1.) have to have a loop that echoed the miniature chapters/vig...
Hello today! This is Torchbound aka Reven, and this is my devlog! This game is something dear to me and I will not stop updating it until I'm satisfied and have...
Long Story Short: I've decided to change the Willpower (WIL) attribute to Control (CTRL). During my Sunday morning editing/revising session I was revising the d...
ANNOUNCING THE IMPROVED LOOPY LORE Loopy Lore is back with a brand new version with new features, mechanics and components! Allow me to tell you a bit about the...
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Hi everyone! Tower of Arcana has received an update. What's new? - A revision of the text was made to make sure that everyone feels included while reading it...
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I ran two sessions of Agents of the O.D.D. at Metatopia, a convention geared toward playtesting games in development. The feedback was a mix of things that ma...
Introduction This is the third in a trio of articles going over the various archetypes available in this version and a little look beyond as well. The first few...
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Hello today! I want to keep polishing the experience of this game until I'm satisfied, because it's very dear to me. Since this is a tabletop, testing changes i...
This past weekend was the Freeplay Independent Games Festival, and as part of that I gave a talk on the context and design process of this game. If you're inter...
So Chris H. (one of the guys in my Monday game group) gave me some extensive notes. Chris is an artist who has spent a lot of time play and drawing for games an...
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Designing for player use: One of the main things that has really been center of my focus while writing ahs been how people would interact with the actual text...
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The intended experience of this game is for players to feel like giant disgusting trolls reveling in their horrific cuisine, like the trolls in “The Hobbit...
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Hey Kids! I'm new to this devlog stuff, but I wanted to share a couple bits about the state of Mall Kids with you all. First, we have a Mall Kids Discord ! If y...
Some minor edition were made. Any feedbacks are welcome!...
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A mini hack
Dear followers, Like our Inspired Vorm, the road to the launch of Inspirisles has been stormy, but we are finally tying up the project with the last of the sign...
I recently finished the third ever playtest of Stuck in Jawbone , and it was doubly successful: the players seemed to enjoy it, and I found a few gaps I'd over...
18XX Muramasa is a game about samurais tracking down cursed blades trying to find the one who hurt them . In here I've disclaimed my current game design process...
The problem with playtesting a mystery module is that you have to keep getting new people to play it, which meant that sooner or later I was going to have to GM...
( This devlog is cross-posted to my gaming blog at ) I’ve introduced a new set of attributes for player characters called “Perils...
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25 mai : jour de la serviette ! En ce jour de la serviette , tou·tes les voyageurs galactiques célèbrent l’œuvre de Douglas Adams. Prenez cet outil indisp...
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Core Mechanics The Weapon FX module can be plugged in into any d20 OSR game, but it also has a standalone component that I want to talk about. It is a mix of Po...
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I somehow deleted it out in the edits, but I just added it back: the Background Generator Table. a screenshot of the Background generation table. It can be foun...
A little over a year ago, Facing the Titan was released in its final and complete version. A nice and big book of 370 pages, available in PDF as well as in hard...
Notes on how The Five Techniques interacts with Cthulhu Dark If you're familiar with Cthulhu Dark, the structure and flow of this scenario is probably pretty fa...
Editing, editing, editing... Comparing different sizes of papers and elements. Getting right the pace of the work - how many puzzles in between the story sectio...
Clickbait Title: Top 5 Things That I Hate About Other TTRPGs! When I set out to write Little World of Fates about a year ago, I wanted to make a TTRPG that was...
The title was weird bc of font embedding. The file that i’ve just uploaded fixes the issue!...
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As I go deeper into the penultimate stage of Lineon development (which I define as the period in which all the mechanics are down, I just need to guide the damn...
Hey y'all, so this is the first devlog I'll write about the second game I've ever written & released: SWORD. I wanted to put this out there in case anyone is in...
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Introduction In this series of posts, we'll be going over the different design decisions that we've made with the game, first focusing on the archetypes we are...
Introduction This game has gone through so much change since the first Alpha test back in 2017. It's interesting to look back and put into words the design proc...
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Posting this here after sharing on both Reddit and BGG Six months ago I decided I needed an at-home project. I hadn’t been doing much, work was slow, I needed...
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I’ve added new pages to the rules about dying (which i think really flesh out the world and loop), and also a page about alt game modes. I think it’s a good...
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