Physical game Devlogs About Culture
Check out how cool this wooden set for Royal Jelly, made by @spacefinner, is! I really like the bee & wasp pieces. Source:
Hola! Mientras seguimos construyendo el camino al Kickstarter de la versión física y mejorada de XENO, quería habilitar un espacio para concentrar el Fanart...
We did it! Supernatural Sapphics is finished, and the Queertober Game Jam is completed! First, I want to thank all of the fellow creatives around me (Penny) tha...
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Greetings, pilots! Between working on a few different RPGs, a full time job, and a young family, I don’t always commit the time I should to marketing and comm...
Hey Wastelanders, Just wanted to update you that a character sheet was requested for this, and while I haven't harassed Matthew to make one specifically for thi...
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The Adventure of the Underdogs in a World of ’80s Wonder RetroGeekPunk is a genre that celebrates the journey of outcast kids, misfits, and geeks as they navi...
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Hi fellow bug lovers, I’d like to invite you to join the Beetle Knight discussions over on the new Brooklet Games discord server! It’s a great place to talk...
Back in December, I went to Dragonmeet 2023 in London and offered to run The First Knight at Indie Games on the Hour (IGotH). I orignally wrote this as a public...
Last year, Hexingtide moved from having a set of three dice attributes down to a single one called "Inhumanity." This is been a pretty great change for gameplay...
I've had the great pleasure of listening to Convergence, the first series over at the Worlds Away podcast over the last few months as they play using Impulse Dr...
It’s been an exciting week here in the world of Fire and Stone! Firstly, Fire & Stone now has a Knave-compatible character sheet created by the inimitable HOD...
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This post is a little different, I don't usually post updates to this particular project despite its relative popularity. And I know it's also late, because Com...
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I had an absolute blast talking shop about megadungeons and His Majesty the Worm with Ben, author of Through Ultan’s Door . Listen to me on Into the Megadunge...
Despite my own personal views that we play games for mechanics, lore, the cameraderie of friends and other reasons that generally have little to do with looking...
Der Podcast "Der nerdige Trashtalk" hat sich mit Lange Schatten in Bad Bründlholz beschäftigt und viele schlaue Dinge gesagt. Zum Beispiel, dass man es nicht...
A big thanks to all those who downloaded this in the past few days. For some crazy reason this little project of mine is nearing 40,000 downloads all time. Bob'...
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I didn't plan this, but as it's the last week in January it's Goblin Week over on Tumblr. Hopefully I can drum up some more support for the book this way - shou...
Just wanted to promote this Zine; a number of my short stories are included inside. The Wildsea is an amazing game from Felix Isaacs ( https://felixisaacs.itch...
Bit of an odd post to make, but got some unpleasant anonymous feedback about my inclusion of non-binary, gay and trans characters in the book. In response to th...
We are honoured to announce that Vlätkrig has received it's first public review, from Korean blogger Gear Man! Not knowing...
With just over a week since launch, we, the designers, spoke recently to discuss Limelight's future. We specifically discussed what our roadmap looks like in th...
We are now three days beyond Limelight's launch, and we can't express enough how happy we are with how things went. We sold quite a few copies when the venue do...
The Kickstarter campaign is going very well, every day new people decide to support the project, and thanks to them (and by "them" I mean you!) we are quite smo...
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It's not technically an update about the game but I think it's worth mentioning the release of my episode of The RPG Academy Film Studies dedicated to "The Name...
Happy Pride Month everyone! For the months of June and July I always donate my profits to GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network). For 2022 this year...
Happy Pride Month everyone! For the months of June and July I always donate my profits to GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network). For 2022 this year...
hey everyone, it's your boi, maik. I'm really glad with your compliments and appreciation. It's been some tough days for me, so they are truly appreciated. As I...
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Mel Li has recorded an excellent annotated video of a playthrough of Pyramid of Semerkhet. If you're looking for an example of how to play Dungeon Hero , this n...
Durante las NetCON de este año pudimos jugar una partida a Cyber-Monkey Archipelago. Junto a Fada y Levillator, nos lanzamos a la aventura con una curiosa trip...
Howdy folks! This dev log marks a continuation of the six part series of posts detailing development of my first ever game Flame In The Abyss. Welcome to Chapte...
Let's unchain the Chained Panopticon! Hey everyone! A quick update after the first 24 hours of funding. We reached 45% of our goal! I'm so happy with how well-r...
Howdy! The downloadable pdf is now available! Those who have already purchased access should now be able to feast your eyes upon the project that has eaten two...
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Hey everyone! Recently, Winnie the Pooh entered the public domain and Auri & I had a wonderful brainstorming session about expanding the world of Project: Day B...
I am very pleased people are enjoying Giant Metal Bodies. Please let me know of any typos I need to fix or things you'd like me to add...
questo NON è un devlog. o meglio, non lo è ma lo è. ieri sera abbiamo fatto un altro playtest, abbiamo una montagna di cose da scrivere a riguardo e un'altra...
This post will soon be translated in english ... J'ai mis en ligne un retour de lecture sur les premiers jeux issus de ce DRS. N'hésitez pas à les consulter...
Greetings Space Legionnaires, The Spoiled Spoils game jam has ended :D The theme was about making a monster, encounter, or some sort of content around the idea...
Hoy hicimos la primera prueba de juego con la comunidad externa de Red de Rol durante el evento de "The future is now", el cual comenzó el 28 de agosto de...
What Is Compersion This week I released a playtest of my polyamorous card-based roleplaying game, Compersion . I was able to do this thanks to Story Synth , a n...
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Siamo arrivati a 30 manuali fisici prenotati e 35 contribuitori in generale. Un risultato splendido, di cui continuo a ringraziarvi. Soprattutto perché, avendo...
Невероятно, но прошло больше года с тех пор, как я ступил на этот Путь. Позади множество...
Thank you so much for following us. We are completely new to this and Inspirisles is the first TTRPG from Hatchlings Games Ltd . Despite this, we have had a fir...
Sam Leigh - has made yet another breathtaking playlist for one of my games. Huuuuuge thanks to her <3. You can find the playlist on sp...
Sam Leigh made this awesome playlist that I think you should check out! It captures the vibe perfectly <3
Last year, I started playing "We Are Ciphers" with @zellyana. We portrayed squirrel bakers, Scamper and Halo-Halo. I did a bit of research on squirrels with...
Kamusta, folks! Since my last devlog , I found an online list of Black ttr...
This month, there’s a chance to play Perfidious Racket as part of A Weekend with Good Friends. The full convention details are here: https://blasphemoustomes...
I'm hosting an impromptu AMA on my Twitter. Feel free to ask me here or on Twitter and I'll answer!
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