This was a very cool game, it's rare to find 3D games in here especially first person ones! There was a lot of very cool well thought out satisfying level design, none of which felt obtuse to me. I never felt completely lost like I was just totally out of options while exploring. With that being said, I can't say I was a particularly big fan of having to do first person 3D precision platforming. I'm already not too keen on 3D platforming as is, and I feel like this game asks a tad too much from the player when it comes to the platforming because in first person there just isn't the same sense of spatial awareness that allows normal platforming to be possible. I think you don't need to remove the platforming altogether or anything, but I think making the jumps and what not more forgiving since it's generally just harder to do in first person would be nice.
But other than that this game is absolutely great! One of the most unique ones in the jam and I had a good time playing it from start to finish!
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