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A jam submission

IncarnationView game page

A brief game of multiple lives created for a game jam
Submitted by Peaches — 2 days, 22 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • I felt like the story wasn't bad, but also not very fleshed out. The game play seemed ok, but lackluster and pretty generic. I liked the creativity in that you had a different way to gain skills. Overall I think it was a good entry, but it didn't go above an beyond either.
  • Hey there :). Your game was very confusing. I didn't understood what was really going on. The story is not explained at all. Waking up in a unknow place, for an unknow reason. Trying to escape, meeting people that are there for the sale unknow reason and want to join cause... well we don't know too. Get some chest with skill inside (btw, why would i refuse to learn skills ? the yes/no choice is really useless), kind of interesting to have to choose which spell you want to grab. Meet the final boss. Going back to the beginning, and do the same process while every character seem to have loose their memory again. Maps are completely empty, no reward for exploration, and the step encounter rate is too high. I feel you tried to put some extra content in a very short time. But anyway, thank for your submission :). See ya, Drag

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Jam JudgeSubmitted

I did not rate this nor give it a judge score as it breaks the jam rules and uses the Heroine Character Generator DLC (9.99 USD on RPGMaker Web and Steam)

The front hair in the below image.

Is this SV Icon in the generator for the Heroine Character Generator

And another standout is the contrast in the gloss on these DLC generator parts in contrast to the base RTP generator parts

As seen below in the snippet from my own generator which also owns this DLC pack.

Thus, this game will be listed as Disqualified from me.


Hey! I finally got myself to play your game! ^^;

(Playing on the HTML version is a mess. Do NOT play on and download the game on your computer for the best possible experience.)

Ok, let's roll with what I have to say about your game:

- Skills' descriptions sizes are making them go out of the window most of the time.

- After the 3rd round, the screen goes dark making things impossible to see if you say "Thank you" to Santa Ana and the game congratulates you for escaping (despite we didn't?). Entering a battle fixes the problem.

- Lun already have Heal, so making her rune learn her how to use this spell will simply waste it. Also, I saw here having Tornado at one point and I don't remember her rune being able to learn her that spell.

- There is a bit of balance problem with Second Wind which is basically a free healing spell. Yes, it costs mana, but your mana is refilled right after using it so it causes little to no problem at all considering your MP says above 25 to use it.

- The Guardian is not a big threat at all. Besides, he have two very similar abilities (copy-paste?) abilities: Life Drain and Poison Cloud. You can end the game after the 1st round with little to no issues. I honestly expected the Guardian to be much MUCH more brutal, especially if you try to pass it at 1st round. The concept of the game isn't supposed to be about Reincarnation? Live multiple lives to learn more stuff to finally have the strength to pass? Even if you keep your characters at level 1, it can be easily passed with a little time and no difficulty. That's kind of a let down in my book.

- Now, let's talk about a big deal of this game. The Rune system is... weird. First of all, the game show no effect when trying to use the Stone or the Tempest Rune (with only the sound effect confirming the use of the item). And when trying to use the Star Rune, it opens the character select window despite the fact the rune doesn't seem to be usable on any of them. Orbs are also acting weird ranging from "you don't have the rune" despite having it to being able to repetitively using it even despite having none left. After trying a little, I realized the orbs are all entirely dependent on the Stone Rune. As long as you have a Stone Rune in your inventory, you can keep learning all the spells for Santa Ana and Luna starting round 1. Also, I don't understand why these orbs exist in the first place considering you can use them upon obtaining. A simple common event triggered by the item would make these so much more flexible.

So in the end... I like the concept, but sadly, it isn't fleshed out at all. The number of oversights in the game is impressive. This game would have really, REALLY needed serious playtesting before being sent. This game could have been an original experience benefiting from an original theme. But in the end, from my point of view, it just crashed and burned. However, your ideas are interesting and I encourage you to go forward. Just be more careful and rigorous in the future.

Don't give up! Good luck for your projects!


This game could have benefited from a bit of back story, like any at all. Where are they? Why are they? Who are they? How are they? Seriously though, the game was a classic trope of 'You look trustworthy, join us!' The ability to choose skills was a good idea, but was not well implemented. Follow up on these ideas and I'm sure you can make something amazing.

Jam Judge

Heya! Don't know if you saw this yet (been busy so I might have lost track), but we did a high level overview of your Game Jam entry last week. Here is a link to the video if you want to see what we have to say:


Not too bad for a first game made in limited time. I do like the idea of repeating lives and making some progress each time, which has potential to be expanded upon. The custom animations of the skills I think are fairly well done (I find that RPG maker animation editor to be fairly clunky to use).

More fleshing out of the plot, more interesting maps and a bit more polish for presentation eg not having text cut off in the skill descriptions I think will go a long way for this game!


Hmm... I have mixed feelings about the project. On the one hand, the runes system is a pretty decent idea. And the story's premise is a bit intriguing. On the other, the game is so... bare bones. The maps are quite lifeless. The look more of a... shall we say, passages rather than something that could be in a tower. The game's pace is way, way too fast. Cut-scenes end abruptly, the introduction of the other teammates is too short and the end boss is like "hey, I can't let you leave until somebody takes my position".

I wish I could say more positive stuff, but in all honesty, that game needed more time in the metaphorical oven. If it's your first game, it's OK. Everyone's first project is flawed. If the story was properly paced, the characters were fleshed out and the battles were more interesting, it would be at least a decent game.


Thanks for the input! Yes. This is my first game. I also entered the game jam with only 11 days left, so I pushed myself to see if I could complete something with what I've been learning about RMMV. To make the time crunch, I went for a playable game, and then used the time I had left to tweak skills, maps, switches, etc. Given a full month, I think I'll be able to put together a better story, and ideally a map with random paths built with variable objects (like rocks) that block a single, larger map.


Everything is updated and should be working properly! I have released a full version with no deleted assets for Windows, Linux and Mac. There is a playable HTML version with unused resources deleted.


I'm having some growing pains. Taking down the HTML version and switching to downloadable.