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A member registered Jan 02, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hello, littlemisssoso! 

At the moment, I am not sure why this happens, as the bootstrap in the Steam Proton files shouldn't take the controller input. It could be a compatibility issue. 

I'm looking into this. 

(1 edit)

Found the issue: There was another Windows specific call that wasn't implemented in Proton. Uploading a fix for it as soon as possible.

EDIT: The fix is live now.


I've pushed out a slightly experimental version of the Game Master that is compatible with Steam Proton). You'll find it on your downloads page.

It's under Project and utilities -> Utilities -> Metadata Editor. You'll find the Chromium Flags option there.

Hello, littlemisssoso!

1 The failure to close the game properly is (most likely) an issue with the version of nwjs you are using. I'm looking into a solution that ensures that the game closes properly.

2. This should be added automatically by using the built-in Metadata Editor. Simply add it to the Chromium Flags section and click on Save.

A bit of an update: I have a suspicion that the code that checks if the app is packaged into an msix package might be causing crashes on Proton (since it doesn't implement the code that is necessary for it). Although I reccomend building a native Linux build, I'll look into better handling this scenario for the bootstrapper.

For now, yes. I am looking into cross-building (at least, with the assistance of the Windows Subsystem for Linux).

(2 edits)

Hello, Software Wulf!

I can't say for sure why the Windows version doesn't work with Proton (as there could be some bits of code where Proton doesn't play well). However, you can use the Linux version of the Cook Tool Deluxe and create a native Linux version of the game (assuming that any dependencies for the game are also compatible with Linux).

If I recall correctly, the SteamOS has a desktop mode, so you could set up the tool on the Deck. Alternatively, using the Windows Subsystem for Linux would also set up a Linux environment so you can use the Linux version).

Hello, Dice!

It is a bug with the plugin, where trying to save (while the folder wasn't created) would cause the save system to break (at least until the settings file was created before saving). I pushed out a fix for the plugin, so it creates the folder properly.

As far as I know, only the Book plugin is affected. 

(1 edit)

Ahoy! A bit of an update regarding that issue: the issue turns out to be how the book plugin tries to find it's name. Since it's loaded via nwjs' built in mechanism (since the compiled version of the plugin can't be loaded through normal means), trying to find the name via looking up in the document, it will return null, thus breaking it during launch.

This was certainly a tough bug to figure out. But it was a pattern that I saw in other plugin. Took me a while to notice it here as well. 

The current workaround for this is to hardcode the name.

The plugin is licensed under the MIT license. It's fine for use in commercial games.

The patch is live. It's part of R5.06u6.

(1 edit)


It seems to be a technical issue, where the creation of the .FileCatalog.sbfc fails. This is an issue for cases where the option to clear the cache after the game closes is turned off. I'm working on a patch to fix this.

Quick update: I found the issue: a race condition prevented the creation of the file catalog. I'm pushing out the hotfix as soon as possible.

Hello, ianov!

A bit of an update: I couldn't replicate the error for the missing file catalog. This could have been a fluke. However, I've done some improvements for Halva, so it may address this. If it still appears, let me know.

Fixed this bit in the updated plugin pack.

Hello, ianov! 

Looking into the issues, they are bugs. I am working on a fix for these and upload them as soon as possible. 

Hello, Kawagoe_Love!

RPG Maker VX Ace and older versions of the engine aren't supported by this tool. Currently, it supports RPG Maker MV and MZ.

Hello, jbariller!

The saves are stored depending on the plugin's settings. As a quick reference:

  1. If set to game's location, it will save on the game's folder.
  2. If set to the App Data, it will save on the Local App Data folder (under a folder name that is referenced on the package.json file. It reads the "name" variable from there.
  3.  If set to User Folder, it will save to the current user's folder (for example, C:\Users\MainUser).
(1 edit)

I am aware of this: RPGMaker Data Folder Encrypter by coffeenahc (

Hello, Arxxur!

At present, encrypting game data without packaging is not feasible. However, you can encrypt your game files using RPG Maker's export function and then compile the source code, which is an option in the project settings. This method will safeguard your game's assets and code, and there are plugins available to protect the database. Be aware that some plugins might not function correctly after compilation.

(1 edit)

A fix for the user agreement file is changing the code a bit, where it should look up the base folder of the game's executable, instead of the base folder. For example, to return the folder for saving that file, it could be like this:

return path.join(path.dirname(base), "UserConfig");

base (in this case) would be the executable (usually found with something like 

var path = require('path');
var base = path.dirname(process.mainModule.filename);

Send me a screenshot, when you are able to.

(1 edit)

Hello, reginaldbrown912!

  • When you say that it creates a user agreement file, what do you mean, exactly? If it creates a file that tells the game that the user has accepted the terms, you may need to re-locate the file (either saving to the folder that the final build resides or on the user's folder), since it could be deleted with the cache.
  • Could you show me the settings that you have applied to the plugin?


In regards to that plugin, it will only break if you enable the compilation of the source code. If you have the "Package game files" turned on (and the "Compile source files" turned off) you should be good to go.


I'm pushing out a hotfix for it. It will be available soon.

No problem.

Hello, thatcombatwombat!
The game launches via the Dragonhouse.Gamebootstrapper.exe file.


  • At the moment, I can't replicate the issue that would cause the tool to miss the package.json file. There might be an issue with the path to the output folder that could throw off the tool.
  • Huh... The compression option skips the dragonbones folder by mistake. Fixing it now.
  • I can't say for certain what could go wrong with the game not booting properly, since something could have gone wrong. Which version of RPG Maker are you using? What options were you using?

While I'm looking into the issues, please send in the logs that the tool creates. You can use the Migration and Diagnostics Assistant (it's in the Downloads page) and click on Extract Logs. Compress the logs into a zip file and send them to me, either via Discord (aceofaces) or via email (studioace [at] outlook [dot] com [dot] gr).

(1 edit)

Found the issue: The Cook Tool didn't put the files on the correct folder.

Pushing out a hotfix.

OK. So it should be at a version that can launch properly. It's weird that a cache makes the tool see the json file. Looking into it.

(2 edits)

Is the Game present in the Task Manager? If it is, there might be a bug that persisted in newer versions of the tool (since version R5.02 had a typo in the cache settings and it was fixed in version R5.03 Update 1). If possible, reset the default settings and attempt to build a version of the game.

For recipe files, it's an easy fix: Open the Project Settings -> "Compiler and Packer" -> Halva Settings -> Relative cache location. Remove the first / character (it should something like path/to/location, not /path/to/location).

This could also happen if you are using version 0.29.4 of NW.js. That version doesn't seem to work properly with Halva.

Pushed out the fix.


I've found the issue: The tool doesn't properly detect the package.json file, even if the file is now present. I'm working on a hotfix for it. Until I upload it, you can work around this by selecting the project again.

(1 edit)

Well...Ended up making a universal plugin that fixes the save issue. If you have time, take a look at it.

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Currently, I don't have a Mac that would allow me to build a MacOS version. I have implemented code that is specific to Mac, but it needs additional changes so it can work fully in MacOS.

As for the save issue, I know a plugin that works with more platforms (sans web and mobile), but I cannot find the site that has it. I have the a backup of the plugin here:

EDIT: Uh... I noticed that this is for MV, not MZ. Not sure if there's a version for MZ, but there might be one, somewhere.

Hello, Orachi.
This is due to a quirk of the engine. Normally, the game saves on the save folder that is in the game's files. But, if the compression is set to Zip (package.nw), nwjs temporarily unpacks the files and deletes them when the game closes (which deletes the save files as well). To fix this quirk, you'll need to use a plugin that changes the save location.

[MV/MZ]: MVMZ-Advanced_ChangeSaveLocation/Advanced_ChangeSaveLocation.js at main · BossRpg/MVMZ-Advanced_ChangeSaveLocation (

Hello, Redux_Soul!
This tool compiles the source code to binary that nwjs understands and packs the files into an archive (or packages), if you wish. While the tool itself brings pretty good protection, dedicated folks that know how to disassemble games will figure out how to break it open. There is not silver bullet that can make games crack proof. Still, if you want to protect it as best as possible, you can;t go wrong with it.


Depending on your settings, you should be able to still support mods. If the game's files are simply packed, it's pretty easy to add this via a mod launcher. If the source code is compiled, modifications to the mod plugin and providing a tool to prepare the mod is required. I'd be happy to provide some custom tooling for you.

Looking at the plugin, lines 909 and 914 in Eli_Book.js cause the bug (in the initParameters() method).