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Power Crystal CrisisView game page

Elves explore caves to restore their village's magical Power Crystals.
Submitted by KV_Kingdom (@KV_Kingdom) — 1 day, 16 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 15 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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  • I liked this better than your other entry, it has a nice story and good gameplay.
  • Hey :). Nice little game, with weakness/strength element type. Puzzles are a bit boring, since i felt it's mostly luck (at least bot the volcano & lightning one). Writing could be improved too. But, overall, i liked it, thanks for your submission :). Cya, Drag.

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What a terrible unbalanced mess! No I'm kidding, the combat was a bit off, but the story was cute and simple, felt like something my kids would come up with while playing pretend.


😆 Yeah, Drifty loves to hate on my combat systems!

I set up the combat system to force players to use the elemental system, but it's not the hit I was hoping it would be. I'll take the feedback into account when crafting future battle systems.

I'm glad you liked the cute story, it's exactly what I was going for!

Thanks again for the feedback, and thanks for playing my game! 🙂


The creator of Iranor have another entry! The story is about three elementalists: Meriel, Lianthorn and Fyra, representing the element of water, lightning and fire respectively. The source of power of magic in their world has been shut off and they are send to investigate why and restore the power.

- The game have a feel of Megaman to it. I'll explain: you have four dungeons. One of them cannot be finished unless you finished the three other ones. You can do the other three in any order you want. Once you beat one of these dungeon, one of character will have access to the spells of its element. (For Meriel, it's going to be water. For Lianthorn, lightning. And for Fyra, fire.) Things is elements and monsters have a built-in rock/paper/scissors type of thing. Water beats fire, fire beats lightning and lightning beats water. In other words, by beating one dungeon, you gain an advantage to do another specific dungeon and allow you to optimize your way to the end of the game. This is nothing new, but it's still well thought nonetheless.

- This is a known problem, but I'll say it again: there is a missing file. It happens in an unlockable room in the final dungeon. (At least, with this kind of problem, I can have a little fun with this.)

- Eaten text.

- The fairy can prevent you from going out of the room, forcing the player to wait for her to come out to be able to leave. (Or interacting with her as it makes her disappear.)

- You can actually get an infinity of fairies by leaving and reentering the room.

- In the room of the final boss, you can't go back as the teleporter brings you back there.

- There is no flavor text for the last crystal despite there is one for the other three.

- Engaging the final boss from behind and beating it softlocks the game.

Anyway, a nice entry which is way more balanced and enjoyable than Iranor. The humor is simple, but it works, and the world keeps its consistency throughout the game.

However I have the feeling the late game as been rushed out the door considering that most of the problems I encountered where at the secret room of the final dungeon and the final boss room themselves.

Good job overall! But don't forget to test everything, don't get too much in a hurry. ^^


Hey! You got the Mega Man reference! I love that series to death, and wanted to include some of the mechanics in this game.

Using Harold in place of flames: 😆👏 Nice!

I knew this game had a few bugs, but wow, I didn't realize there were THAT many flaws! 😱 I'll be sure to address them in the upcoming patch. Thanks for pointing them out! I really should have done a 100% run with the deployed version before uploading...

Thanks for playing my game and for the detailed feedback!


Honestly, compared to some other games in this jam, yours is pretty solid.

You're welcome for the feedback! ^^

Great work KV. This like the perfect Game jam game!

Nice battle system with element strengths. Not very original story but a fun play and some funny dialogue!

I liked it :)


Thanks for the awesome praise! I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Jam Judge(+1)

Hey there! Not sure if you saw, but we did high level feedback of your Jam entry on our YouTube channel:


Pretty straightforward design, executed well. Would love to see you expand your lore beyond the elemental power crystal storyline that nerds like us have seen a billion times.

Each dungeon was very satisfying to beat, and the boss dialog was worth a few smiles.

I broke the game at the dragon boss. If you interact with him in the wrong place, the following move event breaks the game. 


"Every RPG creator needs to make at least 1 game that involves elemental power crystals" - Actual quote from a famous person, I hope.

As for breaking the final boss interaction: oops, thanks for pointing that out! I'll add that to the post-evaluation period update.

Thanks for playing my game! I'm glad you enjoyed it overall!


The real magic is the friends we make along the way!

I liked the little puzzle element in each of the dungeons and it rewarded you to find and defeat all the enemies. The final boss was a good implementation of the elemental weakness system. Only a small hiccup with the missing !Flame.png.

Well done!


Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you had a good time and that the missing file is just a hiccup. That said, I'm definitely going to release an update to fix that later and will do more quality checking on my final deployments in the future.


The game does suffer some music-related lag when played in the browser. This is a known issue with MV, so it was something I was expecting to happen. However, it does hurt some of the effect of a scene when the music doesn't come in until many seconds (or even a minute+) later. The most egregious instance of this was when I went into the battle against the Lightning Minotaur, where the battle music took almost a minute to load, and after another almost-minute the battle scene appeared - which caused my computer to start lagging. (This was what led me to download the game instead).

I was amused to see that one of the characters is named Meriel - that's the placeholder name for one of the characters in my main project.

In the Main Generator, if you defeat all the ghosts and the door appears, the game has an error where it's looking for and can't find !Flame.png. After I added that file in, the dialogue for the "Farie" goes outside of the window and is unreadable.

I liked how each element had another it was strong against and one it was weak against, and I liked how the final boss changed between the three elements. I also liked how you get extra weapons for helping the elves in the dungeon turn back from being monsters.


Re: music lag: I agree, the local play experience is way better than the online one.

Re: main generator image issue: arrgh, I thought I tested that thoroughly! Same with the fairy's text. I'll look into it. 🧐

That’s funny that we have characters with the same name, even if yours is just a placeholder! I got Meriel’s name (& all of the other characters’) from a name generator. How did you come upon the name?

As for the rest of the feedback, thanks! I’m honored that you took the time to play my game and enjoyed the mechanics. 🙂


Yeah, I think I got the name from a name generator as well. That's the thing with using name generators, someone else could come along and get the exact same name and also use it.


Hey there, 

your game gave me a good laugh. The boss conversations and especially the ending was hilarious. Good job!

The rock-paper-scissors combat gave me some Pokémon vibes. I don't quite get why fire is supposed to be strong agains lightning and vice versa. I feel that ice magic would've been a better fit, but I love the whole system nonetheless.

The fights could've been a lot tougher in my opinion. I managed to avoid every single fight that was not necessary and still had an easy time against all of the bosses. I still enjoyed myself overall.


Thanks for the feedback! Sorry for the late reply. I seem to be in an info-dump mood, so the short story is: I'm happy you had an enjoyable experience and the shortcomings you pointed out are there due to me trying to conform to the jam's parameters. If you want the full, behind-the-scenes documentary, then read on!

I'm glad you found the story and conversations amusing. They were originally pretty stock interactions, but my beta tester (a.k.a. my girlfriend) advised me to take it a step further, so I did! :-D

You were spot-on with the Pokemon vibe: Pokemon captured my imagination from the moment I first learned about the franchise, and has been a big influence on how I view RPGs ever since. When I learned that RMMV could emulate that mechanic, I wanted to incorporate it into my own game!

I share your feelings about the fire/lightning relationship. You see, there originally were 4 elements in this game, with the missing one being Earth. Fire was going to be strong against Earth, and Earth was going to be strong against Lightning. I cut Earth out to ensure I would be able to meet the under-30-minute playtime requirement, and make it easier to balance the battle system. Good to see that the sacrifice was not in vain! I will definitely be including a more-fleshed out version of the mechanic in a future game.

The easy fights and avoidable minion battles were also decisions made to ensure an under-30 minute playtime. My thinking was: if you don't have to fight the minions and just want to go straight for the objective, you can do so without penalty, and fighting the minions just makes things easier. I had started to make a more-robust battle system, complete with multiple enemy types and lots of custom skills, but it soon became clear that it would have taken way too long to polish and extend play time far beyond the playtime limit, so I cut it down to what you see now.

Distilling big ideas down to a small, focused experience is more challenging than one may think. This jam challenged me to keep my ideas small and concise, which ultimately led to a finished product - a goal I have been striving for for over a year. I am grateful for the challenge, and even more grateful that you took the time to play the game.