A roguelike based on Spelunky. Not much time for detailed devlog for now, check twitterfor live updates
Day 1
Day 1 was about 2 hours of work. Transformed "Rainy Day" into SpelunkyRL. Then design and data. Doing data entry from the beginning instead of last day this time.
We also worked on an awesome music track for the game, inspired by Spelunky but with the Gecko touch. https://clips.twitch.tv/HyperAssiduousShieldWOOP-ZSCvAr9O4xAzIuoU
This is the best and worst idea and I can't wait to try it, ha.
As a side note, have you ever read the explanation of how Spelunky generated its levels? Given your tenure and topic I'd assume that you have, but it's still an interesting read: https://tinysubversions.com/spelunkyGen/
We did it! will write a full devlog sometime soon, for now you can play at https://slash.itch.io/spelunkyrl