vry KOOL n cute game!
some thoughts:
- ur options menu need some tooltips i have no idea what some of those options do
- those trains r pretty slow, make me wish there was an option 2 speed up game play
- could use a key 2 hide/show level objective
Thanks for playing frien!
It's a shame but I think you maybe misclicked and advanced the tutorial when it was explaining clocks. When they are flashing (ticking) and you click them they delay the trains, otherwise they will start it immediately. I think I might just have two different buttons for it because it's not the first time people got confused. I guess less options != clearer choices. I'll see if I can implement a "back" button to the tutorial or have a quick help button always handy.
Also yeah the game does require quite a bit of concentration, it used to be even faster (lol). I can never tell if the game is too hard or too easy by myself since I have to play it so much and "know" the solutions to the levels because I make them. A second "slowing everything down" pass is in the works already. I do know very well how it feels to be running on low sleep, so no worries.
I like it! It's cute, small and fun. If I were to suggest something it'd be some shading maybe as the flat coloring get's a bit old, and making the controls a bit more reactive.
Also the pixelation is a bit too high, I'd experiment with making it less so. Either way, Good job!
Liked it alot! lots of potential. Couple of points:
Had trouble switching arrow direction, was clicking, clicking and dragging but nothing happened.
This is probably something you get used to but I really wanted to move the camera by holding the left mouse button and turning, using right button wasnt as natural probably because most other games allow you to use left click.
The pixel shader is nice, but sometimes it was hard seeing stuff, maybe you can use HUDs to signal train directions or take offs more clearly.
Good luck :)
Cute, I really liked the music. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to easily change the direction by clicking and dragging when tracks intersected. I also couldn't always tell which station a train was supposed to go to, but that was probably just me missing something.
I like the music and the graphics.
The trains were nice
the gameplay is garbage with how close everything is and you don't know what train goes where until you have to press the thing to get it there
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