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MarmorealView game page

Anime Action RPG
Submitted by Marmoreal Dev — 2 hours, 5 minutes before the deadline
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A bit late to comment but this is really fun. Obviously lots of small things like missing sound effects, lack of menus and ability balance but not stuff that you don't already know.

You will need to think about is how to better handle your enemy pathfinding. It's way too easy to glitch them into a corner and aoe them down. Also it would be really nice to add an enemy outline when they get too close to something like a tree that obscures them a bit.

I would be careful with going too overboard with the RPG mechanics. I don't see this as a a game i really want to invest heavily into builds and instead just way a quick and easy way to feel rewarded for exploration/progression + a way to make the content easier for myself if i ever get stuck. But yeah i don't think that the builds add too much besides that. The PoE talent tree is cool to look at but i don't feel like it's going to add too much to how the play the game other than just being another thing i need to think about. Does the choice between power+4 or power+2 and 2.7%cd reduction really add to the experience, i wasn't really feeling it.

 I think that' less may be more' in the case of RPG mechanics in your game.

Anyway please continue making this, i had a lot of fun. The base of the game is really solid, just be careful of scope creep.

Very fun and soul filled game Marmo! I actually played this last demo day too (linux version that time) I just never go around to leaving a comment last time..

Last time I beat the forest mission and the riftkeeping mission. This time I only got to the last battle in forest. Mostly just lack of time on my part since that last battle was/is a hard battle. Took me quite a few attempts last time to finally beat it.

Adding the character switch is great. Last time I feel like I just picked a main for the two teams and only played those two. This time im being forced to switch and play everyone.

Like the skill tree, I think its better than just putting points into stuff like it was before. I imagine its also easier to balance. I also like that changing talents is very easy instead of being locked it.

I couldn't quite figure out how the Vania's armour trait worked. I got that it replaced the heart with a armour that took multiple (2?) hits. But what causes the armour pickup to drop? Is it just like hearts?Mainly caused an issue on bosses since they only drop hearts when you deplete one of their hearts. Wasn't a big issue since changing the talent setup in the tree is easy, just wond if I was missing something.

As a suggestion it be nice if the traits screen didn't disappear when switching to look at another character. 

Also skippable cutscenes would be nice. They are nice cutscenes, but being able to skip it on my tenth attempt at beating a boss would be convenient.

As a side note: Vania is by far best girl

Glitches found:

The cutscene in the intro level where Fiera is hitting the wheel to try and make it turn got stuck at her being tired. It happened multiple times, I think what caused it is me spamming left mouse to skip the text (since I already saw it when playing and when watching the steam). 

Vania's skill tree lacks text on the ability to left and right of the centre, based of icons I think its supposed to be attack speed and attack damage.

I think if you spam click the respawn it actually loads it multiple times? It was more noticeable last time I played since the game would load and then go black again. This time I think its still happening since the load screen circle jumps back a bit if I spam click respawn.

Thanks for the great demo!  Good luck on the early access release! 


on the map screen when u select a thing and click on "back" it takes u back to the screen that shows ur base, it would b better if it just took u back to the map screen

i really like ur new trait trees, but its a bit hard to see which traits are active and which arent

also their simbols are pretty small, its not the biggest deal since they are simple but maybe consider making it so u can zoom in/out the trait screen

after i died and respawned all characters had F1 as their select button (in the UI only, the buttons actually worked as usual)

the first bossfight i got to (the archer bitch at the forest) starts way too sudden, she just instantly attacks u. it also ends way too sudden, no death animation or anything just skips straight to cutscene

on vanias trait tree the small trait dots dont have text on them

vanias second skill tends to have its icon swapped with octavias second skill

fiera's uncharged fireballs have too much hitstop, its very noticeable when ur spamming fireballs as her

fiera cant target her first or third skill while using her m1 which feels kinda clunky, same for vania

idk if its because i havent playd this in a while but franks basic attacks dont feel quite as good, mayb he got nerfed or im just tripping

overall the game is very fun, i really enjoyed it


Thank you for playing, friend!

The back button is for leaving the map menu, to back out of the selected mission you press the orange X button in the popup window!

I'm definitely going to rework the traits UI so it's bigger and zoomable

Thanks for pointing out the F1 thing, I'll try to fix it

I'll need to work on transitions a bit, but she's not a bitch!! :(

Thanks for the notice, must've forgotten to assign them properly

I'll fix the skill thing too

Yeah I'm gonna remove the hitstop from the smaller fireballs, so it only occurs on the charged ones that have bigger explosions

I'm migrating to Unity's new input system, so some of the controls are a bit funky right now. Please wait warmly.

Frank's attacks are the same, but you're still right that his attacks are a bit lamer.

Thank you friend!