Ran very poorly on my admittedly shitty laptop. for comparison Ctesiphon runs perfectly though, could be some optimization done perhaps? Like the visual design, like the gun design especially the smokey reactor reload. Lore seems interesting and the alien designs are nice. The door sfx needs to go, it is grating, alien sounds where neat. Interested to see how this develops!
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Silicon Scars (Alpha)'s itch.io pageComments
Like the aesthetic and Marathon influence, though the pistol had a bit of a long enough reloading for me.
I tried setting it to window mode but instead the window mode resolution cropped the text from the terminals, so I went with fullscreen.
It also seems the automap has the player walk on black empty areas.
For some reason, my computer's monitor said stuff like "for best resolution try blablabla" and when I quit the game, bunch of stuff I had open was in small windows.
Yeah the map system is proving to be a massive headache for me at the moment. It's a plugin that doesn't appear to be working anywhere near as well as it should be. I'm considering removing it entirely. :\
Pretty sure the terminal text cropping thing is a result of some formatting I set up improperly. I'll look into it - thanks for bringing it to my attention.
As for the resolution thing - yeah I don't know why it did that.
Decided to try the game out because of the screenshots and I really like the alpha of this game. It reminds me of Marathon, one of my favorite first-person shooters, especially with the Pfhor-like alien raiders, the terminals with lore, the health recharging stations, and the futuristic revolver. I recommend slowing down the speed of the shielded alien raiders because they move a little too fast for the first enemies encountered.
Absolutely rad game, would play on my PowerPC Mac, 5/5 stars. Keep up the good work.
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