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ArchtowerView game page

Archtower is a nonstandard mix of Roguelite and ActionRPG. Explore mysterious Tower!
Submitted by Mr_SMOKE (@mnfl14) — 2 days, 23 hours before the deadline
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Very fun game, probably the most enjoyable demo I tried so far. It plays like a finished game, I only have some minor issues. 

The weapon recharge bar feels kind of in your face, looked a little ugly to me. Can't it be the same way as the rock recharge? Or maybe if that's not enough it could have a visual or an audio cue. The menus work well but are a little tedious to go through, especially when I had a lot of items. I think it may be because its very small. I didn't check for any UI scaling options but the default felt tiny at least.

The weapons feel nice to use, I like the rocks especially because of headshots and bouncing. The spells are also very fun to use. Only the RMB attack felt a little underwhelming, its too similar to the LMB but very slow.

Overall, great job. Its a very solid base, just needs some more content.


I'd like to point out a few things:

  • The lights/sections of wall flickering on and off depending on distance as you move around can be quite harsh visually, and might benefit from a bit of a fade effect?
  • The tutorial gate timing is really rough for when you just boot up the game for the first time. Took me 10 tries. Either lower the cooldown for Q while in the tutorial, or nerf the gate by half a second.
  • The inventory item tooltips flicker as you mouse over them. Quite a harsh transition from item to item and since that's something you do a lot, consider giving the tooltips a bit of a fade time. 200-500ms or something. This would mean smooth transition from tooltip to tooltip. Much cleaner.
  • The Bear trap being 3D while being set by a 2D character feels off. It doesn't make sense to me "conceptually". I fully expected a sprite. I don't know if this one makes sense, just something that came to mind.
  • Many iron bars I had no idea how to get to the other side of. Are there hidden switches? If so, what's the interact key? Are they display pieces? If so, best practice would be to make sure that you have a slightly different texture for iron bars that CANT and CAN be moved. This will improve and solidify the gameplay and readability of the overall game for the player.
  • Not being able to jump on tables and tiny boxes put me off a bit at first, but I think overall it makes for a much cleaner gameplay experience.
  • You might be able to detect the users native desktop resolution upon launch and scale the UI accordingly. I found the default much too small.
  • TAB being default for camera and I being for inventory feels clunky. Unless there's gameplay reasons I'm not aware off that encourage switching between first person and third person often I'd suggest moving default controls for the camera to V for "View" and TAB can become Inventory, since its much closer to the other controls and the player (presumably) needs it more often than the Camera toggle. I rebound the keys a few minutes in and it made my experience much smoother.

All that being said, this is by far my favorite game I've played on DD57. It needs polish sure, and I wish the dungeon was randomly generated for infinite replayability (I'm guessing its not, because its much too well designed to be random), but honestly I've only gotten as far as the yellow area, and the bandit mine, and only on one single Lvl5 fighter. This means my knowledge on the gameplay loop and progression systems is very limited so I wont comment further on it. The animations, atmosphere, music, SFX, enemies, combat are all great, and I'll be playing this demo more in the future.

Good job, Archtower: 82%


I hadn’t played this yet, didn’t have terribly high expectations but was pleasantly surprised. This game is a blast.

I can’t decide if it’s easier with M+KB or Controller. The UI and bindings for the controller definitely do suck though. The menus really don’t map well to a controller but then making them work better would make them more of a pain to navigate with a mouse. One thing though, while I got used to using L1 for it, you ought to be able to set any shoulder button as the “modifier”

Those little goblin bastards are a huge pain in the ass to fight in melee.

The art direction is on point, having the lights snap on/off as you move through is a bit abrupt but I figure that’s some sort of limitation. Not being able to jump onto objects or slide along the wall also really shows gamemaker’s limitations but the environment is spaced-out more than enough for it to not really be a problem.

Worked fine with proton.

I don’t know how close you are to release but it looks just fine as it is. Good job!


Most important changes since last demoday (DD 55):

  • Overload now only slows a character down at 100%, lower overload only affects runaway speeds
  • The "Loading" perk no longer affects speed penalties from overloading, but now doubles the capacity of bags
  • Characters with the "Greedy" trait can see loot on the map
  • Added plants
  • When "Tenacious" characters survive, invulnerability is activated for a couple of seconds instead of dodging
  • Extra stat points are now given 1 for each level up
  • At level 5, an extra perk choice is available instead of 5 stat points
  • New dynamic reticle reacts to accuracy and aiming (has new settings)
  • The combat indicator (next to the health bar) shows when enemies are alarmed outside of the combat status
  • New game logo, animated
  • Maximum item glow highlights simple items more intense
  • Updated tower texture on the title screen
  • Smooth increase/decrease for HP/RP/TP/EP/SP and Exp bars (enemy HP bars too)
  • Enemy health bars have lines for easy determination of approximate amount of health (has settings)
  • New charge effect for Fighters
  • The "Sell Junk" button is customizable in the trade window itself
  • Revamped the graphic effects of electrical skills
  • Some slight code optimization