I got to the end, where act 3 starts. It's a wild ride for a visual novel, but I like the vibe. The female characters are all great and I like the sexual tension (need porn of it asap). I also enjoyed the pacing and how each scene was paced and moved the story along. The interactable puzzle was cool to interact with, but nothing too complex. I'd love to see more voice acting and of course the rest of the story. Everything so far looks great!
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Thank you for those kind words brother, I'm glad you enjoyed it :) Going forward, making more puzzles and getting voice acting is gonna be set at a higher priority (ideally I'd like the whole game to be voice acted but moneymoneymoney). There's also several Skeb artists long since bookmarked who'd make porn far better than I ever would so that also seems to be the plan. Thanks again and happy DD!
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