-On initial load, textures aren't loaded besides the text, it looks strange then after a second or two everything pops into existence.
-When I first walked in to the room, I walked onto the yellow stripes and fell through the world.
-Not sure I like how pressing RMB after using 1 bullet causes a reload, instead of firing the remaining shot. I also wonder how the gun durability would really matter, unless you find multiple it's either going to be fine or you're screwed.
-I assume L for putting is awkward on purpose? Nevermind, I read another post and apparently it's actually E to start putting? Your tutorial text could be better.
-Entering putt mode then leaving(press E again) without doing anything causes the dotted line to stick around, and you can no longer enter putt mode again... actually nevermind, it was because you have to have the ball in the exact center of your screen, it could be more lenient. However, the dotted line hanging around still looks odd.
-Dotted line disappears on subsequent swings, is it a tutorial visual?
-Beat the randomizer, though it could be improved, it gave me the same course 3 times in a row, lol.
Keep up the deving.
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