Typing: nobody likes it, causes Finger Problems, wears out keyboards. But if ya want people to see your incredibly smart, very cool opinions, especially when it comes to Online Game Criticisms, ya gotta do it. So I always feel excited to play typing games that help dilute the tedium of punching da letter buttons and make typing fun, and I'm happy to say Harold Krell's Super Scream Fighter hits that mark. It even focuses on the most useful of phrases for internet users, such as 'SHARTS' and 'BANANA SLAMMER.'
Krell's distinctive graphics mix the best of mspaint and absurd, gross cartoony visuals, which does a great job selling the intense, curse-based fighting action. There's an impressive number of characters, attacks, backgrounds, and their Krell-ish style is cohesive and entertaining throughout. Seeing the hit reactions, especially to super moves, is a pleasure! I think my one complaint with visuals (which also ties into gameplay) is that the actual curses themselves feel a little too visually similar, generally one long stream of words that go across the screen. If they were a little more themed, maybe including visuals of what they describe with a few frames of animation, I think that'd add a lot to both attack hitbox variety and character differentiation.
The audio is fantastic, each music track manages to capture the feel of Street Fighter's bgms while putting a fun spin on 'em. Bug's theme cracks me up, ya did a particularly good job at making a listenable but also really entertaining track with it! The over the top voice acting helps make each attack feel nicely impactful, adding a lot of characterization to each fighter. Just some real good grunts going down here, real good grunts.
While I thought the implementation of input recognition for typing worked surprisingly well, allowing for neat combos as letters go towards any word that can currently use it, Super Scream Fighter is a bit unwieldy as it has you using the arrow keys for movement as well as typing on all letters. This might make hunt and peckers particularly strong, but as a quick typer I personally just avoided all movement and slammed words out. Honestly this is a tricky control situation to deal with, so I'm not really sure of an ideal way of handling that'd be any better than what ya went with. But it might be interesting to see movements also be words like left right jump, or maybe use number keys (since they're a little more accessible from homerow) so 1-4 is left, 8-= is right, and 5-7 is jump
I do think there's room here for expansion, one of the big things I noticed when I played each character was that I'd usually find a phrase (and possibly one or two combo words) and type them repeatedly until I won the round. I'd really like to see each type of attack have a few phrase variations within them, so the typing doesn't get as repetitive and so-far-untyped phrases fill in more and more making them more enticing.
But ya did an excellent realizing this concept and making it immediately entertaining with a nice amount of character variety. The Krell-Meister does it again!!
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