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Fight hordes of enemies with turrets
Submitted by Alex Sam L (@alex_krens) — 2 hours, 49 minutes before the deadline
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loved it, seriosly. i could play it for hours


The animations are incredible! I can see the potential for gameplay expansion but what you have is pretty awesome already. I noticed that the music didn't loop (on the browser) but that's not too bad. I feel like the rockets, the ones that explode into a ball of flame, should also explode when hitting the shadowy figures (which by the way also look awesome) and not just when they hit the ground, though that is just my opinion. Loving the parallax background and the atmosphere, great job especially for a solo dev!


Hey! Thanks for playing and for your feedback!

Music loop was not implemented, each music file had about 3-4 minutes, with content being so short I thought players would've closed the game before the music finished.. haha

The missiles were able to collide with enemies at first, but I couldn't get the animation/explosion to look good when it hit the enemy. So ended up removing for the time being..

If you look at the explosion's animation, there's a "direction" on it.. it rotates by the angle it hits the ground, and having the bottom clipped off properly...

I'll be working on it, probably making a second explosion animation for when it hits enemies. though I still have no idea how it should look, it's definitely coming!

Thanks again for playing it :D


I absolutely love the art and animations. It's minimalist but distinct, with lots of character. The gameplay is a lot of fun, although you definitely need to balance it a bit (between the pickup items not despawning and there not being a limit on turrets, you can cheese it pretty hard). But this could be tuned up a bit and be a really fun, challenging experience!


Thanks! Fun fact though, I've tried drawing a ground terrain/tileset for about 2 hours, probably did at least 10 different types with different colors, everything looked terrible, got annoyed with myself and I said.. that's it .. no grounds! so I just put a collision shape, and tested it out.. and wow, after seeing all the different s*** designs I've made, this one looked beyond perfection in comparison .. lol

After that I worked on it a little bit more, added same background image flipped vertically so it looks like a reflection + a few tweaks and that's the result I got.

I wish I could say I had this in mind all along, but in reality it was just luck/fluke that this happened hahaha

oh and about the balance, yea.. I finally found the bug that prevented those items from despawning.. level design/balancing will definitely need to be fine tuned quite a bit.

Thanks for playing and your feedback! :D


So far, this has been my favorite game from this jam. It's simple, and fun.

After level 3, however, I kind of felt that this game was just randomly throwing enemies at me and I was constantly spamming the spacebar and healing myself.


Oh Hey thanks for playing it!

Yeah, current "level system" was made and tuned last minute, 2nd level introduces the "Slugman" which is the second type of enemy, and from level 3+, it just decreases the drop chance of "power orbs" and increases the rate that these "Slugmans" appear..

I will however continue to work on it, perhaps introduce a few more enemies, and hopefully have a proper "level system"

Thanks for your feedback!


Nice game, i followed your adventure on the discord: you did it after all.


Thanks! I'm surprised myself that I made it in time :D


YOOOO.  I really enjoyed playing.  It took me two tries to figure out what to do but once I got the hang of it, I loved it.  Never stop.  The style of the art work was cool.  And I bet the turret gave you hell to program.  Great job!


Yay!! Thanks for playing it!

Surprisingly though, the turret was ok to do.. took me about 3 days, code + art

What actually took most time was character movement, this probably took 5-6 days over the entire 2 weeks period, always had some "rare conditions" that made the animations not flow very well, but I think the effort paid off in the end :D

Thanks again for your feedback! :D


I like the animations and artwork! It's come a long way since you posted that animation in the discord.


Thanks! Yah I'm actually quite surprised myself, had no idea I could do this much in just 2 weeks :P


Hit the right balance between procrastination-created panic and drive to create something.


Super neat little sidescroller with absolutely gorgeous animations and visual style. 

Criticisms would involve a strange gameplay loop that encourages you to take damage in order to progress. Nothing really to defend. Combat feels a bit repetitive. More visual/audio feedback would greatly help too.

Over all, if you plan to continue working on this I think it could be super awesome. Nice job!


Hey! Thanks for your feedback!

I completely missed the point.. LOL..

There's really nothing to defend, well actually, there was.. in my initial brainstorming session.

Have been working hard to make the animations and get the turret to work, worked so hard that I completely forgot about what I was doing.. hahaha

I happen to just make an update:

I replaced that confusing mechanic, instead of "absorbing and taking damage" from those slimes, they'll just drop the good stuff when they die :P

And yes, I plan to continue working on it, goal = make it fun enough to jump in and out anytime, and find something rewarding for the players to make them watch ads voluntarily and see how that goes.

"combat feels a bit repetitive" I agree, I plan to add more enemies, and perhaps more weapons/skills, but I think after a while, it will get repetitive again, will need to think something up, perhaps turn it into story mode or sth..

right now, the direction this is headed towards, is a bullet hell type of game.. :P

Again, thanks for playing it and giving your feedback :D


Feel free to post any criticism, good or bad all welcomed and appreciated :D


Nice game! it was fun. I got confused in the tutorial but I like the how it was endless  and had that 2010 flash game art style.


Hey Thanks for playing it and for your feedback ;D

I'll be replacing that confusing mechanic with something better! :D


Pretty good endless game. While one of the mechanics was pretty confusing, it was pretty fun and playable. It is pretty high-effort and pretty lightweight.


Thanks for the feedback! I think I learned some valuable lessons with this jam, and that is if something is too complicated to explain, then it's probably not worth implementing.. I'll be replacing that confusing mechanic with something simpler but better :D


No problem! Happy to give feedback! :D


Really cool game! Loved the artwork, mechanics and animation of it!


Thanks! means a lot to me, specially cuz the entire artwork was made with just a mouse :D (something that I thought would've been impossible up until very recently)