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Alex Sam L

A member registered Aug 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah that would be could too! sort of transitioning from low level spells to high level ones

Looks like you've followed me on twitter! Thanks!

I'm finishing up my timelapse video for this jam, (the full version though - which can be very boring, I'll be extracting interesting parts of the timelapse to talk about later)

I'll be notifying on twitter once I'm done rendering and uploading.

Thanks for playing it and leaving your feedback!

It was in the tutorials as a brief text, should have added image .. a lot of people missed it :S

Yeah, the shield was designed with that in mind, wanted to have enemies shooting at you etc...

Spent a lot of time building the "foundation" for the spell invocation that in the end didn't make it to the game, The vision I had in mind, is that you could interact with the environment, a tree for example, draw some sort of pattern on the tree, and its roots come up and whip the enemies or something.. make meteors shower on large enemies groups .. etc etc.. this was of course proven to be way too ambitious for 48h.

As for planning I failed 50% I guess, I left time for adding sounds, and game level.. but what I failed to plan, was my own energy... LOL

With 3 hours left, enough to at least add some sound effects, I was struggling so hard to stay awake.. so just made the game level really quick and submitted .. :P

Thanks! yeah the audio, I had the audio in my mind the whole time when I got the mechanics working, but in the end was too tired to add them.. wanted to take a nap and add them, but worried that I might not wake up and miss the deadline completely..

so I just used all the little energy that I had left to make a build and submit.. :P

Sup, was going to test it out later at night, but it actually ran just fine with Wine in ubuntu.

This one is pretty creative, the best so far I guess. Character designs, their lines and description, nice!

I'm not very bright so it took me 3 tries to find the culprit.

Seeing the screenshots later, it seems that Wine skipped some of those, so I didn't know what crime did they commit, so I just assumed that it was murder.. Needless to say it was hard to guess .. haha


Thanks for checking it out and leaving your feedback!

Thanks for checking it out! Yep, the controls needs to be improved

Hey Thanks for playing and feedback! Yeah, the controls needs to be improved.. I think it was the last minute change to make the character always facing the mouse cursor got pretty much everyone confused about the directions ..

This is so far the best game of the jam that I've played! Enjoyed till the very end

I like the fact that after you "won" by completing all the holes, it doesn't just end. you can continue playing golf without the zombies and try to get your best times..

Amazing how you managed to do all this under 48 hours ... there's also different types of obstacles in those golf levels (don't know what they're called).. +10

There's really nothing constructive that I can add to it. Loved the Music!

Procedural Level generation? Really?? I didn't know that haha.. no wonder I couldn't find the guys sometimes when I restarted...

Man, congrats on getting that into the game! I'd have never attempted doing any procedural generation thing in a 48 h jam .. hehe

Yah no jokes, 48 hours is crazy .. mine doesn't even have sounds, I shipped with about 3 hours left to deadline, that was enough time to put some sounds and improve the game level, but I couldn't stay awake anymore.. :S

I think if I ever do any short jam again, it'll be at least 72 hours :P

Great artwork as always! from the beginning to the very end (I guess, couldn't go past lvl 6) .. so many fans!

It's just crazy how you can produce so much quality art in such a short period of time.

There's really nothing that I could add, others have mentioned about the number of fans, but you already know that ..

Other than that, I tested your game on Windows, and it seems to have a memory leak or something, it was using over 1GB of RAM, so it was taking like 4-5 seconds during transitions between levels.. not sure if you experienced that too.. (maybe my laptop is just old .. )

Nicely done Sabacu!

hmmm ... I won.. though reading at the comments people seems to be struggling a bit.. some running into issues of not having enough resources. .?

Perhaps when I opened up the game it got bugged somehow...

Anyways, here's my experience..

1. had no idea what to do, reading the description I knew there was turrets in this game, just didn't know how to place them ..

2. Learned where you can build the turrets, but didn't know how to gather resources..

3. Some time later I lost. .and then playing the game again (1st bug I found, is that after you lose and play again, the turrets seems to not target anyone anymore..)

4. Closed the game and reopened it. (Maybe the secret strategy comes here?) Build the turrets as fast as you can.. gather resources and continue building/upgrading them.. once you got to 4 fully upgraded turrets, enemies just can't touch your castle anymore..

5. And now it just becomes a matter of time .. gather more resources to fix your ship.

And as others have pointed out.. would be good to have some sort of feedback on gathering resources.. other than that.. I'm impressed on how much you made in such a short time.


Hi, unfortunately I couldn't really play your game, unity web games just runs extremely slow on my old laptop.. which is a shame, cuz I'm a big fan of Initial D.

The art is pretty clean though, I like how it looks.

Sup. a little bit late but yeah I got to test it on windows - chrome, it runs... but unfortunately it runs very laggy, not just your game though, most (if not all) web unity games runs slow on my laptop (perhaps is old already ... :S)

Got to see only a bit of your game, arts and sound are pretty nice! As for the gameplay I was abit lost  in the beginning (didn't read description), then I saw that the plane can be controlled .. I think is a nice concept.. my brain is still wasted from the jam though, can't remember who wanted what.. so instead of delivering stuffs, I just tried to see if I could crash the plane :P

- Nice crashing sounds ;)

Spooky! At first I thought there were multiple of them chasing.. lol

Nice game!

Pretty nice! I'm terrible at playing games like these though.. I think the highest score I got was around 4-5k, feels pretty nice when you get to go fast without hitting any obstacles...

would probably like to see a bigger map or with obstacles a bit farther apart (for beginners like me)

other than that, the graphics are beautiful! Very responsive controls too!

Nice mix of genres!! was pretty hard to coordinate moving the player and moving the blocks at the same time..

A few bugs, player sometimes gets stuck and can't jump even though there's nothing above..

if you press the down arrow key, the blocks fly through it..

but yeah, 48h jam, it's understandable, great work and thanks for the follow!

It'll probably be a month from now, though.

Currently working on Origin, my first game from my first jam. you can check the progress I've made since then at @alex_krens.

Once I finish that one I'll come back to this game and try to push it to the mobile market. I'll be sure to ping you later when I start working on this game.

Thanks for playing it and your feedback!

I'll check out your game later tonight with a Windows machine. Tried using wine with it, but didn't work.

Hey Thanks for playing and your feedback!

I've tried running your game on chrome (with Linux), it gets stuck at loading.. (happened with one other game too, so it's probably on my end)

I'll be switching to Windows 10 later tonight and try again there...

Will be sure to leave you some feedback :)

Hey thanks for playing and your feedback! I had no idea how this could be played with a controller until you mentioned on twitch, thanks for that!

My initial thoughts for this game is targeted at mobile market (though no support yet), having touch screen might be a lot easier to control, catch the fireball etc.

This project will probably be continued later on, after I finish my first game. ;)

Power point man .. power point! PPT with animations nonetheless .. 5/5!

Pretty amazing that you put quite a lot of content into it within 48 hours.

The dialog system also, nice nice .. When I tried doing dialogs it took me days to get it working.

I like that there's different areas to explore, I made it to the dragon dude rather quick.. then I saw some other dudes on your page which I hadn't seen in game, then I found out there was more to it. Nice!

(1 edit)

looks like I forgot to post my comment - I'll delete this if is duplicated after

I loved it! Have always wanted a cool typing game! Got a 30-40 score..

There seems to be a small bug when typing out the last characters and running out of bullet at the same time, the characters are gone but not cube, I'd need to then retype the last few characters of that word again to make it count.

As for personal preference, I'd like more if it wasn't necessary to use the mouse every now and then, it sort of "interrupts" your typing.

One additional idea might be using "Tab" to focus/aim between targets, so this makes the mouse less needed except for moving around.

Nice game!

It's extremely short, but worth checking out the mechanics.. Thanks in advance!

I'm so late to this.. here's mine if you'd like to check it out:
WizMotion - You're a modern Wizard, cast spells as if you were unlocking your phone!

I'ts extremely short though .. 

I'll be making a time-lapse of this jam and releasing it as soon as possible, be sure to follow me at  @alex_krens if you're interested in that!

Thanks for all your valuable feedbacks!

I'll be checking out your games starting tomorrow...

Today I'm completely toasted.. lol

Thanks for playing and your feedback!

Yeah my head hurts so much right now... lol

Sup Thanks for playing and leaving a feedback!

I've changed the direction of the fireball so many times during development .. 

With my toasted brain couldn't decided which was best, ended up with "Pull to shoot" sort of direction.

An aiming feature which couldn't make it in time, would allow the player to:

1. Pull (invoke the fireball)

2. Trigger "Aiming Slot", so then you could move up/down to rotate the fireballs direction before shooting. (like those billiard games)

With this missing feature I think the direction would then make more sense.. without it I also kept doing it from the wrong direction too haha 

Hey Thanks for trying it out and for the feedback!

This is my Second Jam actually. It's my first 48 hours one. My first one was 2 weeks. Sorry for the confusion.

Couldn't add one important feature (among many other things) which is aiming, lol ...

But one way to hit the enemies easily, is that you can control the fireball. Shoot first and then use the mouse quickly click/hold to grab the fireball and drag it towards the enemy, or the puzzle boxes to activate/deactive.

And thanks for the follow on Twitter! really appreciate it!

I just did that .. lol .. focused way too much on the art and "interesting" mechanics.. that had no time or energy left to work on the game level anymore..

There's still about 2 hours left, enough time to add sound.. but meeh, I can't work anymore .. need to rest...

For those who couldn't make it, don't be discouraged, I'm sure you've learned a lot from participating in this jam.

You're now definitely better prepared for the next one! Good Luck!

If I could work like the last few hours before the submission, I can't imagine how much I'd have accomplished..

these were the questions that went through my mind during those times:
Is this important?

Am I confident that I can make this, how long will it take?

How much value does it add to game?

Is there nothing else more important / better / simpler than this?

Any good alternatives at all?

These were asked in no particular order, but asked all the time...

With time running out, and a thousand ideas, I had to make the best choices that I could. , after each task completed, time just get shorter and shorter, so these questions matters even more...

During the last 24 hours, I've fixed some control issues (based on feedback), added sound, an early "level system" to make it gradually harder, and 1 new enemy. These things would've probably taken me 3-4 days under normal circumstances, but I got it done under 24 hours.. make it work! make it presentable, not too ugly, and ship it.. there's no time to make it perfect.. just get it done! now! 

I don't recall the order in which I've implemented these, but it sure were ranked by how important it was (at that time of thinking).

Ideas just seems to pour in at the wrong times, without a tight/real deadline, I'd have normally gone and started working on the first one that came to mind, could be working on it for 1 week, just to realize it wasn't that good after all.

But this is of course, just an "ideal". To really do it, I've already failed since the submission day ended .. :P

Procrastination and thousands of excuses pour in at the wrong times as well. haha

Conclusion? found an ideal work-philosophy, but meeh .. so hard.. :P

I'm not quite sure how to write a postmortem myself, but I think I'll share it here what I've learned from this jam.

1. Doing the animations without references, can take an immense amount of time. Was reluctant to use references to stay "original/creative", but really, in the end it's basic movement, one way or another it's going to look similar.

- Cons? Takes a tremendous amount of time, and it may not look good, then making it public for feedback, you fix it accordingly and it looks good,, but it also looks like the thousands of references you'll find online.

- Pros? You sort of end up getting quite comfortable with the animation tools that you're using (my case - Godot, setting keyframes etc), You'll also be able to produce animations that are in your head more easily after this exercise. (So I don't regret the time spent)

But for a game jam, you probably don't want to be stuck on these for a long time. It took me around 3 days to get the basics done, running, jumping, sliding. Then an extra 2 days for Falling, Landing, Crouching.. It did pay off in the end though.

2. Sound Effects takes a long time (if you're not doing it yourself), I've never done it myself, so I can only imagine it being faster. I procrastinated sounds till the last day. I thought I could just easily download some free sfx and put into the game. While that's true.. what I didn't know, is that is hard to find the "suitable" sound for your game. Overall took me about 6 hours to get half of the sfx that I needed for my game.

And also, learn a bit about your audio editing software, you'll find out that is quite easy to do the essentials...

3. Simple > Complicated.

I've implemented a "new / revolutionary / patent-pending " mechanic that sounded sophisticated at first, it was so new, that it just confused all the players who tried it. Not only that, it was hard to code it, hard to explain and understand how it works, and not very well received.

Ended up replacing with something extremely simple, something that every was familiar instead. Result? Easier to code, and comments about how weird / confusing it was, were just completely gone.

4. Experiment, experiment and experiment...

You'll never know, sometimes your greatest ideas just come from experiments, specially if you're failing to do/create something that you want, but doesn't quite have the idea formulated.

This is for now ;P

I agree with @Duy's comment, the AI for the follower is pretty good! I also loved the idea of manipulating earth/tiles..

and now .. some minor criticisms...

The camera movement can make the controls a bit hard, though I don't know if the way I played is the intended way, but I was able to "fly" by grabbing a piece of land and push myself from below ..

When the children is following, it seems to like to stand on top of the player, making it impossible to jump..

other than that I enjoyed playing it :)

Hey! Thanks for playing and for your feedback!

Music loop was not implemented, each music file had about 3-4 minutes, with content being so short I thought players would've closed the game before the music finished.. haha

The missiles were able to collide with enemies at first, but I couldn't get the animation/explosion to look good when it hit the enemy. So ended up removing for the time being..

If you look at the explosion's animation, there's a "direction" on it.. it rotates by the angle it hits the ground, and having the bottom clipped off properly...

I'll be working on it, probably making a second explosion animation for when it hits enemies. though I still have no idea how it should look, it's definitely coming!

Thanks again for playing it :D

haha understandable and relatable :)

the last few hours of the jam, definitely one of the most stressful times :P

Thanks! Fun fact though, I've tried drawing a ground terrain/tileset for about 2 hours, probably did at least 10 different types with different colors, everything looked terrible, got annoyed with myself and I said.. that's it .. no grounds! so I just put a collision shape, and tested it out.. and wow, after seeing all the different s*** designs I've made, this one looked beyond perfection in comparison .. lol

After that I worked on it a little bit more, added same background image flipped vertically so it looks like a reflection + a few tweaks and that's the result I got.

I wish I could say I had this in mind all along, but in reality it was just luck/fluke that this happened hahaha

oh and about the balance, yea.. I finally found the bug that prevented those items from despawning.. level design/balancing will definitely need to be fine tuned quite a bit.

Thanks for playing and your feedback! :D

few days ago, it was probably within the 2 days grace period.. now if you go to edit the game, you'll see:

"Uploads are temporarily disabled because voting for Beginners Circle Jam #3 is in progress. You'll be able to make changes after the jam is over."

Art is pretty nice. Now that I take a second look at it.. is in Pixel Art? I had such a hard time making pixel arts that I just abandoned it .. haha. Well, my only "critique" is that...visually, it's a bit hard to tell what you can collide on, and which are just background images.. after the first "passage", there was a platform right above the player, preventing it to jump. Thought the controls wasn't working properly at first.

- and .. the "Interact" tooltip blocks view, at certain points, you interact with certain "passages" in game, and it takes you to the next room, and when there are enemies in the next room, you're trying to decide what to do, the tooltip big enough to cover the character. Only way to make it disappear is by moving away from that area.

This game looks completed from start to finish. the entire UI + cat arts, well done!

the resulting planets from random mixes is quite funny to see, the requirements from the customers (I believe, can't remember if they're customers) were fun to take as well.

other than that, got stuck a little at "releasing the planet" to the orbit. The "tutorial" pane closed and never came back for a second read after failing to properly put into orbit.

and once again, really great art!

Hi nicely done! though I suck at playing games like this, and know very little about this genre.. I'd like to point out that I liked the tutorial very much! simple, clear and easy instructions.

Sup, finally got around playing your game. Had no idea what it was about, and that cover image intrigued me for a long time. (windows partition took forever to update)

I loved the scenes, the colors were great, music and sound effects too matched quite good. Concept is also great, sort of like a hide-and-seek escape, trying to sneak out alive..

Now, for the "negative" side, it wasn't very clear where you could burrow yourself, the tutorial seemed to only show that you do it by holding the mouse left button. So I thought I could do it anywhere, anytime. And when I couldn't do it, I thought it was bugged, or that the controls were unresponsive.

Was able to figure it out eventually, so my experience improved drastically from there.

And lastly, this one is not so important, and probably "rare" case.. which is the mouse sensitivity issue, at first I thought the game was setup that way, but then I remembered my experience with other 3D games in this jam, where I had the same issue, and couldn't be adjusted in game. I think, it may have been my own mouse settings, mine is setup quite high so that I can move my cursor around quickly, specially if I happen to be with a dual-screen setup.. But then again, this is just nitpicking at this point, and obviously out of scope for a jam, but thought I'd share it as well.