This is really dope. Just wish there were more bosses! If you decide to keep working on this I'd love to follow it. Cheers!
This Fish Is Gonna Spin's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Spinning is the key trick, so the fish performs tricks—mostly spinning.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
This game is incredible. Having to stay in the water while defeating the bosses makes the game much more frantic (especially when the water is moving). One of the best jam games I've played.
I really like the graphics showing these outlines, its a new art style i never saw before, the game mechanics with the fish being dragged by our mouse feels nice and the overal mechanics are cool, I have some issue with my browser because I hear the sound effects a bit distorted but im sure its local thing, Im running a toaster here, I like your game overal, I rate graphics, control and fun the most but all is great really, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
I don't think I'll ever not love a game that focuses on physics to inform the gameplay loop, games like this are just SUCH a chaotic blast and you really executed on that idea in such an amazing way here. Purely in terms of controls this is my favorite game in the jam because of just how much the controls inform the game, it's so fun to just go absolutely nuts with it, but also equally rewarding to be tactful with your mouse movement. Really well thought out, really well designed bosses, just an overall great job
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