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Full Right !View game page

A short racing game where you can only turn right
Submitted by Cheo — 6 hours, 53 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 5 people so far
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How does the game fit the theme?
It is a racing game in which the car explodes if you turn left, so you can literally only go right !

What code and assets did you not make from scratch during the jam (if any)?
I used many paid assets, the whole list is in the game's credits.

How many people worked on the game?

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This game needs more love! Thought the no turning left was pretty cool but also difficult. Car damage showing was nice. Overall, pretty solid game that you should keep working on!


I liked the game, and the graphics work well with it. The cutscene was completely unexpected but really impressive. It was hard but I got through it with about a minute left on the timer. 

For feedback it was really difficult to drive without turning left (which is the point) but if the controllers were maybe smoother or if the level design had more ways to get through without doing a full 360 or going in reverse would be much better, I think. Still a great idea and fun game.


Thank you very much ! To tell the truth the car controls are using the default parameters from Realistic Car Controller Pro, I did not tweak any of them due to time constraints. Other level design and gameplay features around the no turning left restrictions weren't explored for the same reason. Thank you again and glad you liked it, I'll take a look at your game tomorrow ;)


There is a lot of things I love in this game.

I love the car handling, the vehicle damage and the rag doll effect when crashing into people.

I did encounter a few bugs, but they never harmed the game, mostly amused me, like crashing into a character as if they where solid granite or somethinge.

I actually think the main mechanic is harmful to the gameplay. I would have prefered something that was maybe was less restrictive, like no brakes, or keep your speed above 50mph or something like that. That would require a level redesign though.

Seriously though a Rally / Racing / GTA style game with what you already have I could sink hours into.

The cut scene at the start was a nice touch without being overly long.

Great game


Hi, thanks for playing and giving your thoughts ! You can thank Realistic Car Controller Pro for the whole vehicle part !

I forgot to mention the bug with characters somehow acting as solid obstacle, I'll add that and see if I can fix it.

I'm taking note that you found the no turning left restriction harmful to the gameplay, thank you for your honesty, and glad you enjoyed the game nonetheless ^^


Fun idea! The way the levels are designed, with straightaways and obstacles, makes going left necessary oftentimes which leads to a fun tension. I think maybe more ways to go left without literally turning left would cut down on some frustration with these "need to go left" situations. For example, mabe making the turn radius very small so you can swing around 270 degrees (which would basically be a left turn) quickly or make it easy to make a 180 so  you can course correct if your slightly drifting to the right. 


Hi, glad you like the idea ! At the moment there are only 2 ways to go left, either reversing or drifting using the Space key or South button on controller - I should mention that in the page ! Increasing the base turn value would be one way of helping make 180 and 270 spins but would also affect standard driving to the right, but I could definitely play with the brake and drifting parameters to increase the rotation gained in this situation !