Thank you for playing! It is pretty tricky to deliver the papers I agree.
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There is a lot of things I love in this game.
I love the car handling, the vehicle damage and the rag doll effect when crashing into people.
I did encounter a few bugs, but they never harmed the game, mostly amused me, like crashing into a character as if they where solid granite or somethinge.
I actually think the main mechanic is harmful to the gameplay. I would have prefered something that was maybe was less restrictive, like no brakes, or keep your speed above 50mph or something like that. That would require a level redesign though.
Seriously though a Rally / Racing / GTA style game with what you already have I could sink hours into.
The cut scene at the start was a nice touch without being overly long.
Great game
Hey so the presentation was excellent.
I would have liked some quality of life improvements. I was confused on my first playthrough as I seemed to be unable to fire, so the game seemed to jump to the credits and restart, so watching the intro a second time was not as fun, an option to skip this (maybe on second + play) would eliminate this frustration. The credit music is very loud compared to the rest of the games audio.
I couldn’t really figure out the gameplay, it seemed I wasn’t able to shoot things, or maybe there just wasn’t much shooting feedback.
I really liked the graphical style, especially the vehicles.
After posting this I checked out the itch page and figured out how to play, collecting the green items, so I played again. It was difficult to collect these as often I would just miss them, as it’s difficult to gauge where you are in relation to them. I managed to grow the character into the next stage (pink).
Unfortunately I was a bit clueless in regards as to what to do.
I figured that right click paused the game and explained the controls a little and left click appeared to be some sort of boost.
I was able to move around and bump into things, but couldn’t ‘grow’ or progress somehow.
Overall the game is presented well visually, with nice UI and some good sounds and it’s only a little step away from being a game like experience as most of the work is done.
Hey the cat sprite and cut scene animations had a nice charm and the game had a good feel, but I couldn’t figure out where to go. I could get around 230 points smashing things, but I think I’m supposed to go through the door, but I couldn’t open it. The S key doesn’t seem to do anything. Good effort
Thanks for your feedback!
The controls are tank like, inspired by games like the original Resident Evil. A lot of people took issue with this style of control even back then, so fair enough!
For anyone else who gets stuck; The first key you need is the gate key, which can be found in one of the shed/hut like structures.
I think I will try and provide more guidance with ‘shiny’ key objects in the future and more Assets to highlight important areas.
Thanks for your feedback!
These are all excellent suggestions and I plan to make all those adjustments over time. I agree with you about the grass, which has not been mentioned yet.
The change control menu will be a low priority, but I should be able to implement it later down the pipeline. I’m wondering what controls you might change yourself? Thanks.
Good looking and sounding game!
Controls were unplayable for me sorry. I understand they are built this way for android, but I strongly feel the windows version should have keyboard and controller support.
UI is a little bit buggy on ultra wide monitor (21:9).
I look forward to seeing further develepment! Great effort!
Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated!
I deliberately made the handling sluggish and weighty, aiming for a more realistic feel, which definitely won’t be to everyone’s taste. You definitely need to brake for a lot of corners!
I am now thinking of adding something like go karts which can feel tight and responsive by comparison, which may help bring more players on board.
Thanks for the feedback. You have some excellent suggestions.
The idea with the car is that it’s one of the worst performing cars in the game, with handling on the more realistic side rather than arcadey, inspired a little by Circuit Superstars. However I didn’t make this obvious and I might next add an even slower car, with easier handling as I start to add different events and such. I might also add brake lights and tyre smoke to give the player more feedback. I am also going to consider going more arcade with the handling.
Having the camera behind the car possibly reveals too much, however, with some car tweaking I might be able to include it as an option. The camera does need some work in general
Hey so this game wasn’t really for me, as I don’t particularly enjoy metroidvania type experiences. I don’t really get on with backtracking for some reason.
However it’s clearly well made (and optimized, had 290fps mostly) and well presented with nice music and sound.
For me the moth/butterfly boss had too many hitpoints and dissapeared to quickly, making the fight a bit drawn out and dull.
The spear and seed mechanic are nicely executed, but I’m the wrong type of player to truly appreciate these gameplay elements, so it’s hard for me to be objective about the whole experience. I wanted to move faster and wall jump etc.