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STREAMED your games starting September 8th at 17:00 UTC and for about 6 hours 43 minutes

A topic by Igor Konyakhin created Sep 06, 2021 Views: 872 Replies: 30
Viewing posts 1 to 18
Submitted (3 edits)

Stream has ended, I'll most likely not do another stream with submitted games

But I might stream best-jam-games selection once rankings are public, where I'll play top 50 games in Overall, Game Design and Fun.

Now it is time to check out my YouTube:)

(only if you are genuinely interested). Some cool videos are planned:

  • How I won $500 in a game jam
  • How I made online 20+ player game for this Brackeys jam

and there are some cool videos there already:

Original post

Submit your games to be played here:)

Note though, that I play games of developers who are currently on stream - that is more interesting for both me and the developer. Experience of the last stream shows that even though I received more than 30 stream requests, many developers didn't show up, so I was able to play every single game, whose developer joined and let[ed] me know about it in the stream chat. The "wait times" were 0, 1 or at most 2 games. What I am saying here is that even if there are 20 replies to this post, that are in front of you, but you actually join the stream, you have a high chance of little wait time before I play your game. The previous stream I thought I'd be playing games in order of requests on Itch (and even considered to make a schedule to make it more convenient for devs), but given so many people didn't join, this order proved to be useless, so, as I ended up doing the last time, I'll be playing games in order of developers joining the stream (and letting know about it in the stream-chat, so I can see it). That said, please submit your game here anyway, so I can pre-install it and not waste the precious stream time on it.

I have to warn you though that I am generally quite critical and honest - if you submit, be prepared to hear what I actually think about the game and perhaps receive a rating lower than you'd want. That said there are some almost-all-fives games I've already played.

Your game has to be either

  • for Windows and installable via Itch app (mark the file as Windows executable) - I'll choose this option if it's available so I can have a proper game experience
  • or for Web (but Unity WebGL exports typically don't play audio and have some other limitations) 

I've already played 96 games (according to Itch), so if I've already played your game, I might not play it on stream, although if I enjoyed the game I'll possibly play it again. Depending on how many stream-requests I get, I might not be able to play all the submitted games, sorry in this case. Although, again, judging by the past couple of streams, this is unlikely. 

Join my YouTube's discord if you want me to ping you before I start playing your game: Or message me on Discord directly (Igor Konyakhin).

Feel free to join 10-20 minutes earlier - I'll start a bit in advance to make sure everything works as expected. Open the stream (Itch shows it as a video) and set a reminder on YouTube:

Meanwhile you can check my YouTube channel. I mostly do videos (not live-streams). Some cool videos are planned:

  • How I won $500 in a game jam
  • How I made online 20+ player game for this Brackeys jam

and there are some cool videos there already:


Love to get you to play my game:

Just about everyone that's played it has enjoyed it, so I hope it'll be the same for you!

17:00 UST is quite early in the day for me, but I'll do my best to make it there lol.


Be prepared though that I am typically more critical than an average jammer

The previous couple of streams lasted 8.5 and 6 hours respectively so although interest seems to decrease over time, this one will likely last at least 3 hours, thus no need to rush to the very beginning:)


Can you mark windows file as "windows executable"?


Noice, i can actually make it to the stream


Can you mark windows file as "windows executable"?


The best way to improve is from true criticism! We'll appreciate your honest feedback!



Here's my game about destroying a warehouse with the powers of an ancient god of chaos,

Hope you like it :)


Join the stream. There is no game-queue right now.

Deleted 3 years ago

Join the stream. There is no game-queue right now.

Deleted 3 years ago

Sweet! Thanks!


Join the stream. There is no game-queue right now.


Still relevant - still submit - still join tomorrow!


Cool! Hopefully I'll have time to join the stream. Here is the game:


Hope to see you there:)


Can you mark windows file as "windows executable"?




a lot of rate for rate posts happened in a short span of time, so I have to slightly bump this post =)


Join the stream. There is no game-queue right now.

Deleted 2 years ago

Can you mark windows file as "windows executable"?

Submitted (2 edits)

Whoever submitted a windows game, please mark the file as "windows executable" so I can install it with Itch app

(Same to everyone who has yet to submit)

Don't forget to join, by the way,

The stream starts in 2.5 hours



Join the stream. There is no game-queue right now.


I'd love if you could give our game a look!
We put a lot of love into it even though there is a few bugs...


Be sure to join the stream (it starts in about 25 minutes) and please mark the file as "windows executable"


Join the stream. There is no game-queue right now.


Hey! If you're still playing, check this one out:


Join the stream and message it in the stream chat


Thanks everyone who joined the stream

It was my third stream ever and it was equally cool as previous two. Voting ends (and rankings open) quite soon, so I'll most likely not make another stream where I play games of developers who join. But once rankings are public I'll play top 50 games in Overall, Game Design and Fun categories to select games for my video of best Brackeys jam games and I might stream this process.

If you enjoyed the stream, you might also enjoy my YouTube videos:)

The next videos are about:

  • How I won $500 in a game jam
  • How I made online 20+ player game for this Brackeys jam

and I already have a super cool video speedrunning making a maze game with shader graph, 2d lights, art, maze generation - all in 8.5 minutes: