Can this game get more fake ratings?
This game already received 15 fake ratings, but it can do better!
- Why do I call these ratings "fake"? - because they are from people who didn't play the game!
- How do I know specific person didn't play the game? - because nobody played the game!
- How do I know nobody played the game? - its a web game with all info on the servers.
Fun fact: fewer people ever even logged in to the game than people who rated the game. If you exclude my test profiles and people who came outside the jam, there are at most 8 log-ins from jammers (some of these might also be non-jammers), while the number of jammers who rated the game is 15! Ha-ha-ha:)
We can take it further! - leave your rating, I don't mind:)
Doing a slow-paced online 20+ player game for a jam is not a good fit. I am making a video about it and other cool topics (e.g. "How I won $500 in a game jam"), so if that seems interesting, you might like my YouTube channel.
Meanwhile, check out this cool video about making a complete maze game from scratch (with maze generation) in 8.5 minutes real-time (not-edited):
I am also streaming jam games on September 8th at 17:00 UTC
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