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A member registered Jun 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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VLKR is an amazing guy with an amazing voice :)

Thank you so much for playing!

All the sounds (including VO) was done by the wonderful VLKR!

Very cool project!

I really like the music and the color scheme, for some reason this game was extremely laggy in my browser while loading, not sure that would be related to you though!

Overall very cute and well packaged.

Very cute game!
Overall the gameplay is pretty simple but you've turned in a completed concept solo to boot!

Great job!

Graphics and music are amazing!

I was able to break the game a few times and I felt like it took away from the "game boy" feel to have jump be bound to space bar.

Overall amazing submission!

Super cool!

Pretty simple gameplay overall but you're delivering a complete experience, with a scoreboard to boot! Love that feature but I'm mad that "hcat" is on the top!

Someone beat "hcat" I'm not worthy!!


sooo yeah that mushroom man dialogue wasn't supposed to make it into the final version of the game.. when we discovered we forgot to remove it we all had a good laugh.. glad you enjoyed it, fair assessment thanks for playing!

Good job!

Really liked the color scheme, it's a simple game but the theme is well utilized and everything is working well :)

Rated both. :)

Really great job!

Overall the music and visual style was really nice, the controls felt a little bit floaty for my liking but overall you should be proud of this entry it's a very cohesive project!

Really great de-make!

I did notice that in some situations it appears that the ball can clip through the flipper but I only noticed this once or twice.

Overall very clean and fun.

Wish there was some UI to help me keep score, overall a solid entry with good music and gameplay.

GBJam 11 community · Created a new topic Rate for Rate Swap

Hey everyone just wanted to start a thread for exchanging game ratings!

Please keep your reviews fair and unbiased.

Here is my entry! Please post yours below and I'll review it!

murk reacts

Really cute, with some bugs!
Great job!

Cool game, with a nice presentation.
I wished I could use WASD because it kept scrolling the web page.

Good job!

Will play yours shortly!

Will play yours shortly!

Super cute, simple but solid game!

Super unique concept!

This game is extremely polished and is very fun, power level is good and the course generation looks and feels great!

I wish the power level didn't start at 0, at first I thought the game was broken.
I also thought the ball direction indicator could be improved or extended a little bit, with only 90º camera angles it was hard to line up shots.

Overall and extremely good submission!

Very cute!
Played / rated! :)

Good job!

I like the sounds in this game a lot, I'm not sure how it fits the theme but I think the game is pretty original. There's a few bugs, somehow I was able to have two ships stacked on top of each other so healing would no longer work.

I enjoyed this! 

Initially the player controller feels slippery and it took a minute to get used to, there is something to be desired here but overall it works and it's stable.  I liked how the camera zoomed out after a certain point, but wished that it would pan out gradually over time as you got bigger. 

I also wished that you could shoot or do something to prevent enemies from just immediately blasting me.

Overall a great submission!
trade ya, playing yours now :)

Please post your game here and I will play / rate it.
Hope you all had an amazing jam experience!

Very solid game! Love the cute music!

Honestly fantastic, amazing sounds and a super high level of polish for such a short game jam!
You should be very proud of this, good job! 

Thanks so much for the review!

Yes, timeline prevented us from doing as much polish as we would have hoped, but there are sounds that play when you interact with things.. (maybe  we need to adjust the volume levels).

Completely fair criticism and thanks again for playing! :)

Hey Kiran!

Thanks so much for the review, you're right the controls can seem a little unresponsive at times, when you collide with (non-agent) NPC's you can't move for a short period of time, we didn't get a chance to add a sound or particle effect to help illustrate the cause.

Thanks for playing!

Extremely fair review!
We wanted the final levels to be a challenge, they are complete-able though!

I do agree that the camera could be placed better, just ran out of time with the game jam. :)

Definitely not!
I'll check this out a bit later!

I'll check this today!

This one is fantastic! Great job!

Rated! Very nice!

Really solid submission and an interesting take on the theme!
Music / Art we're really on point and figuring out how to play was easy enough.

Definitely didn't feel like it was possible to "lose" money, although that's not technically a bad thing, I wished there was a screen that would show everything so that I could get a high level view of all the departments, besides that super solid!

Wow, very sweet and well made!
Super polished and everything looked great!

You all should be super proud of what you accomplished, I really liked how you tied the 'zone' theme into it. Rupreet was too cute so I only saw the "love" ending, but that's good enough for me!

It happens. And you'll get better every time!

Super solid entry once I figured out what to do.
I'm sad to say I was one of the people who didn't take the time to read the instructions right away.

I would suggest putting control images right in the game because if I've learned one thing from game jams is that nobody (apparently including myself :( ) reads the directions.

That being said though once I got into it it was super enjoyable. Music was excellent, concept was unique and very fun. John Dough is hilarious!

Great job!

I'll definitely check this out!
I have to wait until I get to my desktop to try it though :)
