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Happy Little HELL FarmView game page

Stardew Valley - in Hell!
Submitted by Xuubasa, tfx (@tfx_ste), zoped, SonderGaming, hiijcat — 7 minutes, 39 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#3313.4003.400

Ranked from 45 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
Chaotic farming boiiiii

Did you write all the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?

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Looks fun but I was never able to figure out exactly how to interact with everything properly.   Maybe introducing one mechanic at a time through gameplay would help as right now it's  very complicated right from the start.


Brilliant game absolute fun love the art style.

can seem to interact with the objects when I press E.


Thank you so much! I'm very proud of the quality and volume of art I did for this game, and Hiij always delivers great art :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The game itself looks AMAZING.  I love all the models and textures.  The lighting looks spectacular 29/30 stars


Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it! :D


Hi, I loved the idea of farming in hell haha. I think managing the tasks and dealing with the fire and plants did really fit the theme. I did several runs trying different stuff like the scythe and putting out the fire until at some point it froze. It's awesome what you managed to complete and the quality and complexity of the game. Keep it up!


Very cool.  There's a lot going on here.  Took me a while to figure out what to do.


The game itself looks AMAZING.  I love all the models and textures.  The lighting looks spectacular and the audio is superb.  My main criticism is that the beginning is too confusing and I didn't know how to make progress at first.  Still a nice little game =)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Beautiful game. Love the audio and graphics here. It's a cool twist on farming management game. I think I got the gist of it and managed to turn some crops in but unfortunately I kept running into a bug where when trying to plant seeds the soil would revert back to red instead.


Thanks so much! We're very proud of the visuals.


I really enjoyed the art-style and music of the game. I'm honestly super impressed with how refined the 3d art looks in so short a period of time so mad props there.

I had a bit of difficulty trying to figure out what to do at first, but after some messing around I got the hang of it. Ran into a weird bug where everything froze but the timer after my eggplant finished growing unfortunately.


Glad you enjoyed it!
Yeah we knew when we uploaded it that there we're some outstanding issues but we simply ran out of time to get everything functioning properly... we submitted 8 minutes before deadline! :D


Art is great! Good game.


Really like the art style and music, but each time I tried to play a different part of the controls stopped working :( first WASD, then the numbers to swap tools, then E on the plants. Hope these get fixed so I can give it a fair shake!


I'm glad you like the art! We put a lot of effort into the look of the game. 

It's unfortunate the bugs are so rampant.


I couldn't get to the actual gameplay cuz the game keeps freezing


Cool graphics but also for me it freezes often


We put a lot of effort into the art, so I'm glad to get such positive feedback on it :)


Loving the graphics and sounds of this game! It does look really good, but my main issue that I encountered in every playthrough is my character randomly freezing in place and having to restart the game. It makes the game unfinishable for me. Couple other bugs make the game weird to play too.

With more polishing, I'm pretty sure this could end up as a great game!


Love the art and the concept is really cool!


Thanks for playing! We put a lot of effort into the visuals, I'm glad it paid off.


The game keeps randomly freezing, so I can't really properly judge the game :( but the graphics are very cute!!


Hey Shiro!

So sorry you've experienced this, it's a known issue caused by clicking too fast, specifically with the rake.
Thanks so much for playing! :)


Nice graphics and also the game is a lot of fun, keep it up!


Wow, this game looks very nice, the 3d models and plant animations are so well done, but man is the game beyond buggy.  Menu is wonky, plants disappear, the character itself can get frozen, it's hard for me to say anything about the game itself.


Very fair criticism, unfortunately there were a few serious bugs that we were unable to fix before deadline. 
Sorry you experienced it like that!


I'm glad you liked the art, we put a lot of work into the look of the game.


Pretty good overall, but I got really confused when I ran out of seeds and the ground reverted back to normal when I tried to plant. Instead of that, you should just have nothing happen, because it seemed like a bug at the time.


Wow! Amazing game and I really enjoyed it :)

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