I will rate your game if you rate mine. If you want to play m game it is: https://c0d3breaker0627.itch.io/error-404-the-maze and if you get to the end and have proof than I will give you 5 stars for each category.◕‿◕
I will rate your game if you rate mine. If you want to play m game it is: https://c0d3breaker0627.itch.io/error-404-the-maze and if you get to the end and have proof than I will give you 5 stars for each category.◕‿◕
Very nice game. Though I couldnt lock the cursor. But the game is very funny.
One thing: the movement is a little bit strange. when you press forward you go a little bit to the left, I mean it was so in my case. dont know if its me or the game :D
here is by the way my Game :D
https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/477151 rated yours the other day :) Here is mine if anyone wants to try, it is a platformer with disguised obstacles
rated! I was getting black screen error, had to boot up my laptop to check it out.
Here's our game, please rate and leave us a feedback <3
Hi Check out,
Its a Browser and Windows based game : https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/476641
Hope you will enjoy it and don't forget to rate us 😊👍
Here is mine: https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/475985
I have rated yours! :)
Check out my 2D top-down horror game, thanks https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/476206
Hi i finish your game XD, was too hard but i made it
Here's mine
i already rate your game