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1, _lazercat
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
No - But all code was delicately hand-crafted!
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Thanks for checking it out!
The game was great! Sure the assets weren't made during the jam but you did manage to put them together to be coherent with eachother. Overall the movement is a bit slow though and the cooldown on the stealth is a bit too long. But great job on the game regardless!
Thank you!!
The game is very well made! The soundtrack, sound effects, and animations are all beautiful. Great job! I really liked the stealth mechanic and destroying the towers.
Thank you! :D
Very nice, fun/enjoyable, nice visuals, level design. Good job!.
Thanks! :D
i like art very very good, animations and SFX are also beautiful.
Thanks for checking it out!
I like the premise but the way it plays at the moment is either slow and tedious, or rage quit inducingly frustrating.
@Vinehead gave a very good review and covered everything I wanted to say.
You may not have made the assets you used but you have tied them together in a pleasing way, you might think my opening statement was a little harsh, but you have made a good effort with this, and I did spend a bit more time than I thought trying and trying again.
I do like the checkpoints as they mean that "death" doesn't mean you have to start the whole puzzle again. I did notice though that any enemies killed up to that point revive. It might be better if they didn't as this might reduce the amount of times you get spotted with the current set up.
Thanks for the feedback!
This game manages to have a tutorial, dialogue system, multiple levels and creative mechanics. Wow! How you managed to do all that in the time frame seriously impresses me.
However, there are a couple of things that I would adjust if I were to update this game, namely:
The character moves quite slowly, which made the long walking sections between each puzzle section a bit tedious, I would make them faster or reduce the distances between puzzle sections.
The stealth cooldown is too long and the ability can be used an infinite amount of times, which results in the easiest way to beat most sections being to wait the 30 second cooldown repeatedly, so perhaps a system where the ability doesn't recharge automatically but there are "stealth pickups" that allow you to use the ability again would be good, and encourage the player to beat some sections by actually avoiding the enemies cone of sight.
The hitboxes for some of the enemy cones were quite inconsistent, and for the moving enemies it snapped 90 degrees when they turned too rapidly to react to. I don't really know if there is any easy solution for this that you could have implemented within the time frame of the jam.
With all that being said though, this is impressive work! You should feel proud of yourself.
Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it! :D
This game manages to have a tutorial, dialogue system, multiple levels and creative mechanics. Wow! How you managed to do all that in the time frame seriously impresses me.
However, there are a couple of things that I would adjust if I were to update this game, namely:
The character moves quite slowly, which made the long walking sections between each puzzle section a bit tedious, I would make them faster or reduce the distances between puzzle sections.
The stealth cooldown is too long and the ability can be used an infinite amount of times, which results in the easiest way to beat most sections being to wait the 30 second cooldown repeatedly, so perhaps a system where the ability doesn't recharge automatically but there are "stealth pickups" that allow you to use the ability again would be good, and encourage the player to beat some sections by actually avoiding the enemies cone of sight.
The hitboxes for some of the enemy cones were quite inconsistent, and for the moving enemies it snapped 90 degrees when they turned too rapidly to react to. I don't really know if there is any easy solution for this that you could have implemented within the time frame of the jam.
With all that being said though, this is impressive work! You should feel proud of yourself.
This game manages to have a tutorial, dialogue system, multiple levels and creative mechanics. Wow! How you managed to do all that in the time frame seriously impresses me.
However, there are a couple of things that I would adjust if I were to update this game, namely:
The character moves quite slowly, which made the long walking sections between each puzzle section a bit tedious, I would make them faster or reduce the distances between puzzle sections.
The stealth cooldown is too long and the ability can be used an infinite amount of times, which results in the easiest way to beat most sections being to wait the 30 second cooldown repeatedly, so perhaps a system where the ability doesn't recharge automatically but there are "stealth pickups" that allow you to use the ability again would be good, and encourage the player to beat some sections by actually avoiding the enemies cone of sight.
The hitboxes for some of the enemy cones were quite inconsistent, and for the moving enemies it snapped 90 degrees when they turned too rapidly to react to. I don't really know if there is any easy solution for this that you could have implemented within the time frame of the jam.
With all that being said though, this is impressive work! You should feel proud of yourself.
Difficulty would need some fine tuning as well as it would be useful to have maybe more abilities? As in some situations I found myself just waiting for Z to reload. On the other hand I love the idea and the setting of the game is really cool. Can imagine that this could evolve into a bigger project. Great job!
Thank you for checking it out!
The idea of goblin saboteur infiltrating enemy base is clever.
I appreciate in-game tutorial.
Game is hard - I understand it is as designed, but I didn't had enough patience to get past the enemies on second level (and oh my - how many swear words were yelled :-D). It might help to lower the stealth cooldown - especially when you can still wait for it to replenish, but there is no fun in waiting. Or maybe if the enemy spotting was not insta-death but you had some time to escape the view cone.
Visuals and sounds are lovely.
Overall - great job!
Totally agreed on the stealth cooldown. Thank you for playing!
Cool stealth game with a unique theme!
Overall the gameplay is solid, but I gotta to give extra props to the tutorial section, they're intuitive and easy to understand.
Great job!
Thank you for that!
This is an unusual idea for a game, I like it, good luck with the game jam!)
Thanks for checking it out!
Very Good, congratulations!!!
Thank you!
Perfect. Only when I go UP or DOWN with player animation is still left or right no up, down.
Yeah, only two directions for movement in this one. Thanks for playing!
the game was a masterpice
Thank you!
The game was enjoyable and very challenging. I do wish the stealth was on a slightly lower cooldown but I do understand that the long cooldown is probably purposeful to make it so you have to work without it to get by the enemies.
Thanks for playing, I appreciate the feedback! You're totally right about the stealth, given that people want to test these games out quick I think 10s would've been more comfortable than 30s.
Your sprites and animations look gorgeous, dialogue effects and design are magnificent, and your idea with playing as goblin trying to kill humans is pretty neat, but playing this game was so annoying I could not finish it (skill issue on my side probably) so my review is only about part before 3 knights in a row in a wavey corridor on level 2.
So now I will start whining like a little baby about stuff I didn't like about your game.1. I was stuck at the first archer tower because I couldn't see a part of the wall that was meant to represent stairs. I thought you had to kill archer tower through a wall to progress or that I have to destroy the pumpkin to go through a conveniently placed corridor behind it.
2. Player is really slow to the point where moving with my character is painful. Enemies on the other end feel jittery and chaotic (some of them turn frantically at 90 degree angles while others at much more fair but maybe to easy 180) or even unfair at the same time. Even worse about the enemies is that THEY CAN CATCH YOU THROUGH WALLS, it is just a total deal braker for me, I understand that it was easier to code it like that, but there are just better ways to do it, and in this state it is just to messy to ignore. It is the main mechanic so you can't just half-ass it. Also I get that weird dissonance because I am playing as the goblin and normal humans are running so much faster than me? It feels like nonsense from gameplay and thematic point of view.
3. This game is so easy to cheese that it almost feels like an intended way to play, from killing enemies through walls to that dumb stealth ability with extremally long cooldown, thanks to which you can just kill everyone one by one while waiting an exorbitant amounts of time between each kill for that optimized for boredom gameplay without challenge.
4. Level design feels so empty in a contrast to attention you gave singular sprites, animations and dialogue UI it just feels weird and unfinished.
Ok I had my fun complaining, but all this writing would be pointless if I didn't had some ideas how to fix those problems.
1. If you teach the player that for example green (grass) is where you can walk and gray (walls) is where you can not, then if you want to make stairs work you should make them stand out from walls around them, for example add some moss on the steps. For the archer tower I would suggest adding a dirt road that makes a visible path player can follow to make them do what you want them to in order you desire. Remember that level design is where you prove worth of your creativity and mechanics of your game!
2. When you are creating a game you should focus on what players will be interacting the most. So for example if you have annoying grass texture which covers most of the screen, looking at your game would be really annoying! So by this logic you can think about designing player movement. If your game is about walking around with a character you should focus to make it enjoyable. Rest of my complains in this point can be resolved by training how to work in your engine of choice, so in your example problem with enemies turning chaotically can be resolved with tweens or AnimationPlayer Node and enemies seeing through wall with ray casts 2d and polygon shapes. If you want help you can contact me at discord (kspl9999) I will be happy to help you with Godot and game design!
3. The best way to find problems in your game is to just play it as much as you can when you develop it or if you are able, let other people play it (but it may not be an option most of the time) and about that ability remember that players will try to optimize the fun out of the game if you let them, so don't rely on players to make your game fun.
4. Try to spend more time in level editor to make sure you put enough attention to it, because level design represents how good are your mechanics and how fun your game will be to play.
So in conclusion, I like the premise, but gameplay and level design has some room for improvement. Remember that game jams are place to learn and improve so don't take this comment personally, because I am just another faceless internet person you will encounter in your life. Thank you for reading this monster of a comment and have a great rest of your day!
Hey, thanks for taking the time to write all that feedback! The game’s definitely meant to be challenging, and killing/seeing through walls is a feature, not a bug™, so I totally understand the frustration. It’s interesting hearing how different players approach it, though—your perspective helps a lot!
Visually nice game, but the main character moves too slowly. It's worth working on connecting the sprites together and on the controls, otherwise a good game!
I appreciate the feedback! I was going for slow since it's a stealth game, but faster could've probably been better! Can you elaborate a bit on connecting the sprites together?
liked the game, there are some ordering issues like the player showing up behind the water tho.
Thanks! I couldn't seem to find the ordering issues, if you have a screenshot or anything that would be great!
I couldn't get the image to upload for some reason, but if you move all the way to the top of the map, you most of the player will be behind the water.
Thanks, I'll check it out!