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Halfway point! Keep up the great work everyone!

A topic by Terrific 3D created Jul 27, 2023 Views: 78 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 4

I definitely need another break day, I worked nonstop on Day 3. I'll probably pick up a project and make some minor adjustments for Day 4, nothing big, just as a mental break.

Remember to take care of yourself! Don't push too hard, this is all for fun (there is a prize, but that's not why most of us are doing this I'd imagine)

Yup you are absolutely right I took the break at Day 3 now I will pick a project for day 4 its been fun with this game jam series. Loved BlackThornProd video series now I am part of it.


Your hard work shows in sandstorm,  keep it up n_nb


Good job everyone !

I would like however that we honor a minute of silence for all those games made with love that no one picked up on day 1 and 2. May they find peace in the afterlife.