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189 entries were submitted between 2023-04-01 10:00:00 and 2023-04-08 10:00:00. 3,121 ratings were given to 170 entries (89.9%) between 2023-04-08 10:00:00 and 2023-04-22 10:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 16.5 and the median was 15.

Uncharted Wanders

by Dashing Strike, Alex.Hamadey

Ranked 1st in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 32 ratings (Score: 4.625)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#14.6254.625
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#74.2194.219
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#94.0314.031
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#144.3754.375
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#373.5313.531

Whispers of Fate

by Maddie

Ranked 2nd in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 26 ratings (Score: 4.462)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#24.4624.462
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#34.1154.115
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#64.2314.231
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#84.4234.423
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#163.9623.962

PRAXIS/PROVIDENCE -=- e g g w o r l d

by Zackarotto

Ranked 3rd in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 15 ratings (Score: 4.400)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#34.4004.400
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#154.0004.000
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#223.8673.867
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#354.0674.067
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#623.3333.333

Sanctuary's Grasp

by Kevin Hutchins

Ranked 3rd in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 50 ratings (Score: 4.400)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#34.4004.400
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#44.1004.100
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#114.1204.120
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#124.3804.380
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#723.0203.020


by Volcanolord

Ranked 5th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 14 ratings (Score: 4.347)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#24.5544.714
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#54.3474.500
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#113.9334.071
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#523.5193.643
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#933.5193.643

Tomb of Absolution

by Matt Kimball, Jammmz, LolHank

Ranked 6th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 29 ratings (Score: 4.345)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#64.3454.345
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#153.8623.862
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#243.8283.828
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#274.1724.172
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#283.6553.655

Dungeon Diver

by Rebello

Ranked 7th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 31 ratings (Score: 4.323)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#74.3234.323
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#163.8393.839
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#184.3234.323
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#533.2903.290
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#1003.1613.161

Zorg & Shlak

by evigouroux, nebula audio

Ranked 8th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 26 ratings (Score: 4.308)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#14.3854.385
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#24.3464.346
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#44.5004.500
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#84.3084.308
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#613.7693.769


by steamknight

Ranked 9th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 23 ratings (Score: 4.304)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#94.3044.304
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#104.3914.391
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#114.2174.217
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#213.8703.870
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#313.6523.652

Bozo Dungeon

by Funky Truffle

Ranked 10th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 15 ratings (Score: 4.267)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#34.3334.333
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#54.0674.067
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#104.2674.267
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#214.2674.267
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#1412.0672.067

💖✨Sparkle Tales✨💖

by Slyonics

Ranked 10th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 15 ratings (Score: 4.267)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#54.6004.600
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#104.2674.267
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#104.1334.133
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#123.9333.933
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#972.7332.733


by Magpie, danrotemp, kikimillz

Ranked 12th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 24 ratings (Score: 4.250)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#124.2504.250
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#154.3334.333
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#164.0424.042
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#213.8333.833
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#443.5003.500

Chronicles Of a Crystal Mage

by ProstoCupOfTea

Ranked 13th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 29 ratings (Score: 4.207)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#134.3794.379
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#134.2074.207
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#193.7593.759
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#753.3453.345
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#1082.6212.621


by steampunkprogrammer

Ranked 14th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 22 ratings (Score: 4.182)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#143.8643.864
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#144.1824.182
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#194.3184.318
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#453.5913.591
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#812.9092.909

The Adventures Of Gorlag

by jinxology, swampness

Ranked 15th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 24 ratings (Score: 4.167)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#104.0004.000
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#154.1674.167
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#314.0834.083
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#733.0003.000
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#983.1673.167

The Dark World

by DaveLikesPasta

Ranked 16th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 34 ratings (Score: 4.118)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#114.3824.382
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#164.1184.118
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#173.8243.824
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#283.7653.765
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#443.4713.471

Beast of Tugadres

by Frib

Ranked 17th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 18 ratings (Score: 4.111)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#174.1114.111
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#323.6113.611
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#333.6673.667
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#1103.3333.333
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1202.7782.778

Murky Hollows

by Ypsilon

Ranked 18th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 16 ratings (Score: 4.063)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#144.0634.063
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#184.0634.063
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#183.8133.813
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#233.8133.813
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#543.8133.813

Dungeons, rats and booze

by DoubleVGames

Ranked 19th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 21 ratings (Score: 4.048)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#173.9523.952
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#194.0484.048
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#623.3333.333
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#633.7623.762
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#673.3813.381

Mekanaut (DungeonCrawler2023 Jam)

by LakeDead

Ranked 20th in Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? with 22 ratings (Score: 4.045)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing?#14.7274.727
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music?#54.2734.273
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game?#204.0454.045
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme?#503.3643.364
Gameplay - How fun is it to play?#1043.0003.000