I laughed when I heard the goats the first time. The game is simple but effective. The dodging of the reaper combined with the slowly shrinking fence make it engaging for the player. I did encounter a weird bug. If I release the goats on the far right side, they can go off screen but it does not recognize that the goats are lost. I ended up releasing both goats by mistake and the game kept going. A small detail but still a fun time!
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Super difficult haha! Great sound effects and funny interpretation of the theme! well done!
Take care of everyone!Pretty fun. Feel bad when I basically threw a goat into a reaper :(
Little WarriorWeird idea, but honestly pretty fun. Maybe to spice it up make the different sides of the fence disappear instead of just one, and maybe increase the amount and speed of the reapers as the game goes on, but otherwise, Its a surprisingly fun game.
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