First, let me say good job. You seemed to have a small team and developed a larger project than the average entry. A game of this scope in a month jam is a big achievement.
Now to feedback. Even if the below sounds critical, it's not - it is aimed at giving some points of reflection. You had most of the fundamentals so I won't talk about them.
- Use of Theme - 3
- Recovering your abilities throughout the game fits the theme well at a surface level, but it's no different than any other metroidvania game. If that was the "Recovery", it could have been given attention (e.g. having you recover visually/memory as well, some other examples under Creativity)
- Gameplay - 4
- The movement felt slow and stiff
- The combat was frustrating as the enemies moved too fast and you reacted too slow. For the speed of their movement/attacks I would expect the player to have a longer attack range (or ranged attack) and a dodge from the start. It was not fun to wait for the last moment to swipe as a rat charged me and then only being able to get out the way by jumping up - then doing it all over again after the rat had run its route. This is made worse by the enemies not having any stun.
- Multiple times I was hit by the hitbox of an already dead enemy just after it died. Very frustrating
- There are parts of the map were you can down a platform directly into spikes that you cannot see. In my opinion, this is suboptimal level design.
- Creativity - 3
- A standard metroidvania. Nothing I encountered particularly stood out. Limitations breed creativity so I think if you forced yourself to work within the restricted theme you might have been able to really stand out. Like, what if there was no combat and only repairing the environment or healing NPCs? What if you didn't get "abilities" but rather recovered body parts or senses? These could be terrible ideas, but they could lead you down a more unique path. Furthermore, always think: "if this game could stand up as a proper game without the Theme elements the designed choose, then the theme is not very relevant". And in my opinion, your game would stand on its own fine if the Theme was not Recovery.
- Art - 5
- Detailed as I would expect from a larger team. Good work.
- Only issue - some bits that look like floors are not - this could be intentional but wasn't a fan of it.
- Sound - 3
- Good choice of non-intrusive BGM and in general like the range of SFX.
If you haven't already. I would appreciate your teams thought on my game - always looking for feedback to improve.
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