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A member registered Oct 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Oh, I underestimated the distance I needed. :-D With the right distance and the right pose, I got it to work. Thank you! Unfortunately I was too bad and the little dinos didn't make it 2 minutes. 

A beautiful game with a cute little dino and a nice little story.

That was fun, great game! :-) I really enjoyed the interactive main menu.  I had to see how many different dinosaurs would come into the screen when you move the mouse to the edge of the game. :-D Well done!

I think it's great that you've tried a. motion control, unfortunately I haven't managed to get it to work yet. The game doesn't start on the PC when I raise my arm. On the mobile phone, the game does start, but somehow I can't move the dinos. What kind of movement does the game expect? Tilt the head?

Great platformer, sadly I could also not figure out how to pick up the Pineapple. I was already looking forward to riding the dino.

Thankyou for your valuable feedback. 

I am aware that the fishing and hunting is a bit buggy and needs some more work. I hope I can improve it with one of the next updates. 

The fact that the fishing points are not clear enough I have not yet considered, maybe I'll add a sign with a fish there.

Do you have a suggestion how to improve the objective arrow?

Hi thanks for playing the game. 

The main component of how satisfied the spirit is is what items you use/sacrifice. You can see how pleased it is with the slider below the menu where you drop off the items you have collected.

We know we should have made it a bit clearer what gives how many points. Or what the spirit would like. It's right at the top of the to-do list. 

What a great idea. :) I really enjoyed your game.

(1 edit)

Wow, I love it. Really good game and a great twist. :-)

I played the game with the joypad :-) it feels much better and it's nice if you can read the full story. But I struggled with the first "Boss" fight. I tried to attack him from behind and I tried jumping on him, but I'm not sure if one of those had any effect on him. And after one or two response the player character went invisible.  :-)  Maybe you could give the player a bit more health back after respawning.

Some other feedback for you: :-)
  I'm not sure how you have implemented the controls in Unity, but on a PS4 controller it's a bit hard, because on the X button which is normally jump you open the pause menu. :-) Jump is on Square and attack on circle. (I think it is easy to fix, if you have used the new input system, if not it could be a bit more complicated.)
And another thing I would try to change is, that if your game should be played with the controller, then the menus should also be usable with the controller. (I think the only thing missing is, that you create a script which pre selects the first button of the menu, from there on I think controller support is already build in.)


Yes, that helps/explains a lot. Looks like I'm still to bad to collect enough branches before i get killed. ^^

I really like the style and the music of the game. But sometimes I think it is a bit hard to see, what's going on. E.g. I saw the branches falling in my first try, but they fall down on the right side. As they were not highlighted, I totally forgot about them. Maybe you can make them stand out a bit more from the background.

I hope you keep working on the game and look forward to playing an improved version of it.

Oh I see, I didn't realized that tge game should be played with a joypad. Thanks for the clarification, will try it again later. 🙂

Hi, quick question. How can I answer the questions? I see the two options, but I found no way to select one of them. Should I see a mouse pointer?  Or are there keys mapped to the answers?

Hey hi,

could you help me a bit? I tried the game and I'm a bit lost. I know I can select the rock and throw/move it with the mouse and the Rock can collect the mushrooms the boss drops. But what can I do with the mushrooms? Do I need them to respawn? and when can I collect them, sometimes when the rocks are smaller it doesn't work to collect them. 

Hey, quick question will there be any change after a certain amount of clicks? Or will the char always say the same two lines?

Ok, I didn't know it was intentional. The first drop in Candycane lane I find not so bad, you fall in the first time and then you know it. I would not have built such a challenge directly into the first level, but otherwise I see no problem with it. 

I think people are just used to the platforms starting in such a way that the player can run straight through, as long as he doesn't make any mistakes. I'm thinking of games like Crash Bandicoot.

oh one little thing I forgot yesterday. In the Toy Factory, the one with the moving plattforms and saws. I think it would be great, if the plattforms/saws start moving as soon as you press space for play and every time you die they get reset and wait until you press play again. I suggest this is because with the timing of the button press at the beginning you can los about 2-3 seconds. And I overlooked the position at the beginning a few times and found me in a harder challange as it really was. 

Yeah, maybe you're right. Expanding is maybe not needed, but at least make character animations, so that they not float around. ;-)

(1 edit)

Please don't worry about my time.  :-) I just didn't have too much time before. I got stuck at the ice level. It was a combination of 2 things. First, I didn't use the mouse enough, I used the A/D keys too much. And on the other hand my mouse was set too sensitive, that made controlling relatively difficult. :-) In my current attempt I got to the final.Now I would have to practice a few times, that I get over the rounds ice platforms. ^^ Usually I play games on the console, so a gamepad is more to me. :-) But after I found out that you need the mouse on the ice, I think it would not be so easy with a gamepad.

Nice, challanging plattformer game. Unfortunately, I could only play the tutorial and the first two levels. I'm too bad with the keyboard and mouse.^^ I think I could do it, but that would take too long now. Maybe I'll make it later or you build an easier mode with more time. After all, I want to know how the story continues. :-)

Really well made game. It was fun to play, the fact that each level offered a different challenge makes the game very varied.

There are only 2 minor things that I might change:
- It might be better to choose a song for each level. 
- It would be better if the dialog boxes could not be confirmed with the space button. It happened to me during the chase of the other character that when I wanted to jump to catch the character, the dialog opened and I closed it with my action right away. It's a really small problem and I had it only once.

Sure, right now there are 3 endings. which one you get is based on how much you interact with the NPCs/statues. So if you just walk through the castle to the end, you get the bad ending. For the normal ending, a good time to go to the end is when the rain stops. I think right now the normal ending is still a little unclear as to what we were trying to say, it could possibly be considered a bad ending. We'll probably expand/clarify the endings a bit more after the voting phase.

I'll leave it up to you now if you want to look at them right away or if you want to wait for the improved version. ;)

I am glad that you enjoyed our game. If the Ending made you happy, I guess you had the good ending. 🙂

In any case, I want to try to convince Roza easier, even if I think that the other options will also be blocked. And of course I'm interested in the other endings.

Yes, I understand that. Better the sound effects than bad voice acting.we worked with voice overs in the last 2 game jams, this time we decided against it because there were only two of us, it would have limited the number of characters a lot and it just takes a lot of time.

Nice start, I think with a little bit more work this can be a really cool game to play. I like the opening scene with the credits. I whish I had some kind of restart button, got stuck a few times. (At the start of the icy cave moved the player to the left side, Jumped while under a plattform,...) . Else the Gameplay was fun and the Pixel art looked good, but I guess some compression problem, as it is not pixel perfect. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the theme in the game, but since I could only play Chapter 1, maybe the theme would have come up in later chapters.

I had a lot of fun playing the game. I love the story and the decisions. If I find the time, I will play it again with another ending. 

The only thing I can think of that would make the game better would be voiceovers, but you can't expect that from a solo developer.

Great job.

You're welcome!

You are welcome! There are always things you don't find, and the first player to play the game find the bug. 😁 It's the same with our game.

I can completely understand the design decision. 

But since the patient dies either way, I thought that maybe some kind of feedback could be given. Or maybe only at the end of the game a summary since thereby within the playthrough nothing is revealed. :-)

Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you liked the game and that you didn't let the bugs ruin everything. :)

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you liked the atmosphere. 

Yes I totally agree, the bug with the jumping/running is really annoying. I should have fixed that somehow before the deadline. :(

(1 edit)

Nice little game. :-) The graphics are simple, but still good looking. By varying the speed of the clouds and mountains in the background you have achieved a nice effect. What engine did you use to create this game?

Sometimes I got error messages in the middle of the game, unfortunately I couldn't find out what it was related to. After dying/melting I always got this error: Failed to obtain/convert traceback! I'm not sure if it's my laptop or the game.

Still good job!

Just wow. So many descriptions and ideas along with a good looking and well functioning UI. I would have liked to get some kind of feedback sometimes if any of the selected treatments were right or not. To be able to do it better in a second run.

Great Job!

Thanks for playing and the detailed feedback.

Some remarks from my side, which may make one or the other decision clearer.
Use of Theme:

  •  We tried to show the recovery in the different end scenes. I know they are cryptic and not as well made as they should.... but it is on the list of improvements for the time after the voting.


  • I totally agree, it's not entirely clear at the moment why there are monsters. We should perhaps add an introduction to this. They should symbolize emotions like fear and anger and only when you have overcome them, you can say goodbye to the deceased. 
  • We never encountered the problem, that doors won't open, I will investigate this.


  • Thanks a lot, maybe we will add some more story to it, after the voting.


  • In my mind, the rooms without doors have no door sprite, because the door is in the left/right wall. But maybe you are right and we should show a single line in the wall as door, but maybe this is even more confusing.


  • Yes, mixing the sounds didn't get the attention it would have needed. We added them to late to make it better.

I played the game until I was in a room marked >98. But then I didn't get any further. Is that the end? or would I have to have a health bar of > 98 to continue? I am a bit confused by the whole thing, maybe you can help me without spoiling anything. :-D

Is the health recovery by the beds the only use of the theme or is there more behind the game.

Really well made game. Everything works as it should, it looks good. Feels a bit like a turn based simcity. :) The only thing the game lacks is background music. 

Cool game :-) I like your idea of riff recovering. The game is fun and the 3D assets look good. I also like the animation of the octopus. Maybe you could place the camera a little further away from the octopus, so that you see earlier that a fish is coming or play a sound when a fish is near, I was always surprised and then could not hide. But all in all very well done.

Nice Game. As others have said the graphics are really great. The game is fun and easy to play. To implement the theme of recovery a bit better I would have found it better to start with a certain number of plants and after a certain time where the plants were successfully defended new grow or at least the 3 there are, regrow when one was destroyed. Just as an idea, if you want to work on the game after the jam ;-) But otherwise well done.

I really enjoyed to play your game. I think it is a great idea to let the player place the plattforms and trampolines and it is very well implemented ( changing cursor icon makes it totally clear). 

The only thing i discovered that i don't quite understand: sometimes when you jump on the trampoline with one jump, the character only bounces a little bit and then sometimes he still jumps to full height. However, if you just run on it, it always jumps to full height. But this is just a really small thing which maybe is intended and I don't get it right :-)