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Cedar Cat Studios

A member registered Dec 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was a great jam submission! Great job and I honestly had a lot of fun playing your game. Keep it up!

I really liked this take on the theme and you really designed your mindspace to in a great way. The background ambiance was a good touch to showcase the anxiety as well. Also, I didn't expect a game jam submission to allow me to toggle all the SFX, background, and mouse sensitive options. That was a great touch!

I did feel the game was a bit too intense at the start. I was just getting the hang of the controls and then about 100 enemies spawned which was a bit overwhelming. Regardless, the controls felt good, the in game dialogue was great, and I had an overall great time playing. I think if you added some more 3D models it would be an awesome game to expand on. Great job!

I like the idea you had here, but I had some trouble playing the game. The mouse controls were a little too quick for me to be able to orient myself and properly aim, and I felt the character was a bit too floaty. I also found the enemies spawning too often. I ended up getting stuck in a cycle where I would die and then spawn with about 15 enemies around me each time. 

I think with a few of these control and gameplay bugs fixed this could be a really enticing game! Great job on this submission and keep it up!

This was super chill and I loved the art style and overall game you made here! I wasn't able to get past the first dollar bill for some reason and I didn't know how to check where I was at. Was there something I may have been missing? Otherwise, loved this gem haha great job!

Fun game you put together here. I genuinely had a fun time playing your game. Keep it up!

I liked your take on the theme, especially since I come from a family of dentists lol. I did find the gameplay to be a bit tricky when trying to hit the elephants, but I had a lot of fun tracking down the lips haha great job!

Always a sucker for a men in black style game! Great job and very well executed. Keep it up!

This was super different and interesting. The voice acting was really well done and I was hooked from the start. The fact that the more the sanity meter depleted meant the words shook was a great touch as well. Great game!

I really liked how you made a quick play and longer play option for the player. I also really enjoyed this little world you made. I got real Stardew Valley vibes when playing. 

The mini games you created were honestly a lot of fun. For some reason though I found myself not enjoying the fishing pole one as much. I think it was because the other mini games were super quick and simple, and then the fishing pole one made me frantically spam my mouse and found it actually kind of hard at points. It almost took me out of the chill vibes world you had created for the player.

Other than that one feedback, this was a great game and I really enjoyed it. Thank you!

I really liked your art and the main mechanic of the game really hooked me in. This was really polished for a jam submission as well and had a great time overall with this game. Great job!

Really loved your horse sprites and enjoyed the take on the theme. I got a bit confused once other animals came in and thought I had to mark them as not real, but lost points from that. It would have been cool to see it speed up some more as the points increased and had a bit more of a responsive switch. Other than that, I really enjoyed your game and great job on making a leaderboard and everything. Awesome job!

Great job on this game and I liked the take on the theme you had here. Fun submission and keep it up!

This was such a cool game that I actually found myself playing longer than I had intended. I thought it was a normal western shooter and then the little twist that comes mid way through really grabbed me in. I didn't get to finish it because I think it glitched out for me at the end, but I was really engrossed in the game you made. Great job!

Some feedback if you wanted: I had to move the gun anytime there was dialogue since the UI was behind some of the in game assets (like the gun). I would probably move the UI to be the top most layer so this doesn't happen. I would also try and incentivize the player to try and shoot around a bit more. I found myself just finding the object that gave me the most points and just kept my mouse there and clicked away. I also never found myself running out of ammo. Did I miss something, or was there something in the scene that refilled it for me?

Otherwise, this game was a lot of fun and more people should play it through. Great job!

Great job on this game. I was not expecting such a fleshed out world and well designed and written characters. The art really stuck out to me and the voice acting was a great touch! I did find the gameplay to be a bit challenging at times, but still enjoyed progressing through your story and being in this world. Great job!

Love to see rpg maker! I really enjoyed this and thought the world you crafted was great. I missed a few dialogue parts because I could read quick enough haha but had a lot of fun with it! I’d love to see you make more of this. Great job!

I like how you leaned into the theme of this game and really had me going in some parts. Great job!

Loved your take on the theme here and really enjoyed the game you put together. Great job and I sure did enjoy my experience on the not real islands.

As someone who works in excel and spreadsheets all day long I was skeptical of this submission, but honestly this was awesome!! Great job!

Lol I was cracking up at points of this game, great job! Also the dubbing you did here was spot on. The applause at the end really got me! Cool concept and liked the kind of horror element to the platformer. Great job and keep it up!

This was super interesting.  I was getting "carta" vibes a little bit with how I could move the levels around. I was excepting a basic 2D platformer and then bam I was moving the world around. Great start to this idea and I would love to come back in the future and play more than these levels. Keep it up!

Game #5 Completed!


The 5th game in my challenge and the Brackey's 2022.1 game jam submission Birds are Real is done! 

First off, I am sorry for not providing any updates on the Brackey's game jam submission over the course of the week. However, as it was a pretty quick game jam I didn't really have the time I wish I had to document my progress. That being said, I did try and provide updates on my twitter account. I highly recommend you take some time to look at my past tweets to see the progress I made over time on this submission!

This was actually a really fun game to work on and I feel like I have really improved since the last Brackey's game jam I did. I was able to complete this game with just a few hours to spare, but I feel really confident in the end product. I spent a lot of time working on aspects of game development I lacked in the past and feel I really grew along the way. For example, I spent a lot of time making sure I got the core mechanics built out before I started developing the game out further and I put a lot of care into creating a smart and effective tutorial to educate the player on the game. I also added a lot of sound effects and was able to effectively inject my humor into the game.

I do wish I was able to spend more time modeling for this game; however, I am not good at 3D modeling in the slightest. Therefore, I decided to opt for a Unity Asset Store pack for my 3D assets. It really helped me complete the game in time, but I wish I was able to work on this skill some more. I would like to see me work on this more in the future and try to become a better 3D modeler to support my game development journey.

All in all, I had a blast working on this game and I am really proud of the end product!

What's Next?

In deciding to take a break from the longer running game to finish this jam submission, I actually found myself wanting to scrap my original idea for the long running game. I think I was trying to stretch myself too thin and make something that I am not ready to at the moment. I still want to make an episodic game, but I think I need to rethink the scope and scale of this project. That being said, I am going to take this long running game back to the drawing board and see what I can come up with to scratch my itch to develop a longer and bigger game, while also being within my own capabilities.

Great job on this submission! I thought your art and gameplay were mechanics were very well done. The only feedback I would like to give is to provide a score meter or some way for the player to see progress. Overall this is very well done!

Great job on this submission! I think you could really enhance the game by adding more sound effects and putting more time into a tutorial. Regardless, I loved the concept here and absolutely love the coffee and energy drink sprites. Great job!

This was such a cute and cool puzzle platformer. The mechanic was unique enough that it made this stand out from others that I have played for the jam. Great job!

I absolutely loved your art style and enjoyed the humor you injected into the comms announcer. The cardboard cutout aesthetic was super cool as well! I wish we could change the bindings of the controls since I found C and X to be a bit awkward to use while moving. Other than that, this was awesome!

Omg this game was so ridiculous that I loved it! I have seen those videos of cakes being random things and loved this the second I started playing. It also kind of reminded me of "hot-dog, not hot-dog" from Silicon Valley. Great job!

I liked your chill vibes and the atmosphere you built here. I did encounter some bugs (such as the fox not sticking to the platform when it moved), but other than those small bugs I had a really nice time playing your game. Great job!

I'm sorry a bugged version of the game was submitted, but so glad you shared the link to the bugfix version! I liked your game but found it a bit too challenging. I couldn't tell exactly where the guards eye line was and if I would be seen or not. Maybe adding a cone that is the exact sightline would be helpful. Other than that I really enjoyed this!

This is not at all what I was expecting when playing this game, but actually really liked your take. Cool idea I really liked this!

I had some trouble remembering where the blocks weren't real and the jump button didn't seem as responsive as I felt it should be to avoid the traps. That being said, I loved the style of your game and your take on the theme. The art was super cute and the audio was great. Great job on your game!

Great job on this submission! I like the zombie gameplay and had a lot of fun with it. Keep it up!

The voice acting in this was great! I also liked the horror take. I haven't played many horror games in this jam and had a lot of fun with this one. Great job!

Bird simulator at it's best!! Love this haha

I liked the mechanic you had here for pressing space to see the boxes that are real. I was a little lost at the start, but got my footing after some time. Great job and keep up the great work. 

Wow I loved exploring this mansions. The environment and world you built here is gorgeous. I also had a lot of fun just walking about and existing in this world. Great job and will definitely come back for more!

Really fun game you made here! I love these types of games and had a lot of fun playing yours. I did find myself accidentally running into some high powered enemies and got my socks rocked, but that was part of the fun! Great job.

Wow this was such a cool game! I really enjoyed this game and had a lot of fun playing it. I did struggle a bit to find the portal but that was all part of the fun! Great job on this.

The concept you put together here is super fascinating and exciting! I think you could really make something awesome after fixing a few bugs. I really enjoyed this game and would love to come back in the future for more. Great job!

Loved the laser mechanic and I’m always a sucker for games about cats (hence my profile pic and name). I liked your take on the theme and though the concept was well executed. Only feedback would to balance audio and music a bit better, but that didn’t stop me from having fun. Great job!

I really liked your take on the theme and your art here. The sound effects integrated into the scene also added the the mood. I sadly couldn't figure out how to get out of the main room, but I the atmosphere you created in that main room was enough to keep me intrigued.