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One of my favorite Dev Jams of the year!

A topic by CMaxo created Apr 25, 2023 Views: 559 Replies: 15
Viewing posts 1 to 6

The Game Jam is one of my favorite Dev Jams!

Thanks a lot to make it happen again this year! :D

This is going to be my first ever Game Jam. Being very new to game development I am looking forward to giving this a shot!

If I count the 2 Jam which I didn't completed due to some unforeseen situations, this would be my 5th.

If you're very new to game development, I would suggest to download and look at the starter kit given for free ( )

You can check it out even if the jam isn't started and test things out with it for practice. Then on the time when the Jam start, you can just start anew with it, again, but at that point you might have a better idea of how to use it. ;)

Personally, I'll start from scratch, but unlike last year, I'm not thinking about it at all until the theme is revealed. I want to do a pure 10-days Jam from a blank state of mind.


So, am I right that on May 19th a theme will be given and then everyone starts to create anything around the theme to submit it 10 days later?

Well, it’ll be my first Game Jam. :)

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Yes. Prior to May 19th, you can do any pre-preparation you might need such as looking up for potential references, thinking about possible setup/design, etc. But you got to remember that the theme and, sometimes, the bonus theme/rules (gives bonus points) can go completely against your ideas, hence that's why you shouldn't get stuck with 1 great idea, but just some general brainstorming.

Think of it as the time used to practice by making a bunch of cakes or looking up recipes and techniques around prior to a cake contest. Knowing which tools you're need during the contest is kinda essential unless, like me, you go in blind (for an additive personal challenge).

A good list of example of stuff you can prepare ahead in this kind of Jam:

• A list of Public Domain (CC0) musics files OR musics you have, yourself, made. (No remixes or any derivative works that is too close to any existing copyrighted musics.)

• Pill up a bunch of animations files that could be useful. For example, you can download a bunch of animation from mixamo.

• Preset of stuff you have already build in concept such as codes or systems.
While some big Jam might refuse that you bring in your own pre-made codes, this kind of Jam allows you. It even gives you an example of what you can bring in with the package it gives for free that includes some basics for some games. If you got some codes that works for something you want to make during the Jam, nothing is stopping you from copy-pasting the code right away.

On May 19th, the theme and bonus theme/rule will be given.

From that point, you start working on the actual implementation of the game itself so that you can have a working client by the 29th.

Before the Jam close on the 29th, you'll have to publish a working client (.exe file) into This allows you to submit the project to any active Jam you have joined. (It's all in the publish menu.) This Jam also requires that you share the build (project files) which it's highly recommended that you separate the 2 set of files in different .ZIP containers so that people can download just the game if they want.

This is also why you can't use copyrighted stuff in the JAM (unless you own the license for redistribution which, 99.9999% of the time means that you made it yourself.) Even free stuff online can be restricted on the redistribution of the work hence you got to look up for stuff specified with the CC0 mark (meaning it's on the public domain and free to use, re-use and redistribute or use in commercial works).

If you're uncertain if you can use certain assets in this JAM, just explain and ask the person who made the asset if it's alright to put the file in your project that will be distributed for free. If you got a positive answer, it's all OK. For example, someone might agree to the redistribution if credits are given. As such, you can include a PDF or .txt files containing the credits mentioning the requirement for the crediting in using the asset. (This is often the case on free content offered on the web. It's often called CC with Attribution. CC means Creative Common)

This is also why it can be a good thing to start looking and loading up a bunch of musics file ahead, unless you truly plan on making it yourself during the JAM or unless you already got a good source of CC0 or CC with Attribution musics on hand. ;)

This is the example I have made for the Game Jam 2022 last year:


Thank you so much for your detailed explanation. It’s great to have the community here. Have a great time coding!


"This Jam also requires that you share the build (project files) "

Doesn't say so in the this years rules


Since I don't use Mixamo (not going to signup with Adobe) are the animations you get from there free for redistribution?


How much does Mixamo cost?

Mixamo is available free and does not require any additional purchases or subscriptions.

What type of projects can I create with Mixamo?

You can use both characters and animations royalty free for personal, commercial, and non-profit projects including:

  • Incorporate characters into illustrations and graphic art.
  • 3D print characters.
  • Create films.
  • Create video games.

Submitted (1 edit)

I don't see the terms permitting the animations to be distributed as assets though. You can use them to build a game and sell it, but unless stated otherwise (which there isn't) then there is no permission to distribute the downloaded FBX files.

Thanks, this was very helpful! It's my first GameJam.

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I'm so excited! I had a blast... in the last... one I passed! :D

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Alright! Here we go again!!!

I swear i just thought three days ago: When is the next one?


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My first game jam would start on my birthday lol