Hey everyone, now that the Jam is over I thought I would present a selection of little awards from the 228 games I've reviewed. These awards are meant to recognize a few standout games that captured my attention. This list is not exhaustive, and there may be exceptional games that I've rated highly but aren't featured here. So, if you don't see your game here don't worry—I likely enjoyed it immensely!
The Stylistic Excellence Award: Kindman lost his marbles
The Comedy King(s)/Queen(s) Award: Dateboy
The Nostalgia Trip Award: Tropical Rush
The Adrenaline Rush Award: One Voice
The Narrative Masterpiece Award: The Babu
The Endless Entertainment Award: Dimension Dwellers
The Understated Greatness Award: Slime & Square Reloaded
The Innovation Guru Award: Animal Resources
The Survival Champ Award: Chromato
The Keyboard Maestro/Maestra Award: Grid of Yendor
The Ultimate Joyride Award: Microcosm
The Minimalist Marvel Award: Circulation
The Positivity Ambassador Award: Palau
The Masterful Multitasker Award: Afterimage