Hi! If time allows, can people submit multiple entries? For example would it be acceptable to enter 2 or 3 new games produced within the allotted time limits? I'm not sure if that is realistic / feasible or not, but if so is it allowed? Thanks
Even if it is allowed, it is most often recommended to put all effort into one game, so you have one very good game insted of 3 half good/half bad games.
Thanks for the suggestion; that makes sense and I tend to agree. I'm not sure if it's feasible to be able to make 2 or 3 games for this 10 day gamejam, but maybe it could be possible.
I think there's some kind of rule about "gaming the system" so, even if it is allowed, I doubt they would allow you to get anything from it. Participants are limited to only one course as a prize for their participation.
No, I didn't mean that anyone would qualify for an additional free course. That wasn't what I meant or intended. I am just wondering if more than a single entry is allowed, that's all.
Just to update this, according to the livestream, multiple submissions are allowed, just again, multiple courses will not be given out. They did say something about one submission per itch.io account, but overall, multiple submissions are allowed. :)