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A member registered Feb 18, 2019

Recent community posts

Is it okay if a participant submits more than a single game?  Or is there a limit of one game submitted per participant?  Thanks

I struggled through this gamejam and didn't complete my project.  But, nonetheless I did learn some valuable principles and gained some valuable experience.  And looking through others' comments there were also valuable pieces of advice.  Thanks for the encouragement, I will not give up and I plan to participate in future gamejams successfully.  Do you recommend any specific future gamejams to participate in?  Thanks!

Thanks!  Running a Linux OS, but I think it might be a problem with an outdated browser I'm running because I had the same problem with another Godot online game too, same error message.  Maybe I can try the Steam offline demos, thanks again

Those graphics / characters look cute

I would generally agree, something is better than nothing, especially in a gamejam setting.  Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration!

I had the same issue with another Godot game I tried to play as well.  So, it might be an issue with my browser, not sure.

Nice overall game!  Has balanced gameplay.  I like the spinning debris effect when the ships explode, and the overall vector-graphics style.

I am looking forward to participating!  I have been gaining more experience and familiarity with the development tools I am using since the last gamejam (where I didn't complete an entire game before the gamejam had expired).  Thanks for again hosting this event!

When I try to play the game in the browser, I get this error message:

The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)"

I'm using a Chromium browser.  Not sure what that error message means.

Great game!  Everything fits together well - the graphics, the theme, the music, the sound effect, everything.  Definitely one of the better games I have played on itch.io!

I can't run it in my browser, I get this error message:

The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)"

I'm running a Chromium browser, if that's helpful.

Thanks for sharing that advice!  That is what I struggle with the most, finishing within the limited time element.  I am trying to finish and upload my simple game before the gamejam expires!

I especially like this piece of advice you gave: "- Use ONLY things you are already familiar with! that applies on tools, game engines, components, or anything!"

That is a good piece of advice.  In past gamejams (in which I failed to complete a game) that was part of my problem - I was using tools which I was still learning and unfamiliar with.  I've noticed a difference in this more recent gamejam because I am somewhat more familiar with those same tools, and that experience has saved a lot of time which otherwise would be spent on the learning curve for the tools themselves, rather than the development of the actual game.  I am currently at an awkward stage, with more but nonetheless limited experience in the tools I use, and very few games completed.  Currently, it's a race against the clock for me, I am hoping I will be able to finish at least something, even if it isn't very refined or polished.  Again, thanks for the good advice!

I'm still working at it!  I am finding that this is the greatest single challenge in producing a game: the limited time.  But, that is all part of a gamejam, the limited time element.

Thanks for the update and the clarification, much appreciated! :)

No, I didn't mean that anyone would qualify for an additional free course.  That wasn't what I meant or intended.  I am just wondering if more than a single entry is allowed, that's all.

Thanks for the suggestion; that makes sense and I tend to agree.  I'm not sure if it's feasible to be able to make 2 or 3 games for this 10 day gamejam, but maybe it could be possible.

Hi!  If time allows, can people submit multiple entries?  For example would it be acceptable to enter 2 or 3 new games produced within the allotted time limits?  I'm not sure if that is realistic / feasible or not, but if so is it allowed?  Thanks

Really cool game!  It is well-polished and the gameplay is smooth and fluid.  Well worth the purchase price for the full game with the additional levels.  The layout and design of the levels are both challenging but enjoyable.

Are we allowed to submit the same identical game into both this game jam and in another game jam?

(1 edit)

Thanks for the clarification :)

Hi, I noticed in the rules that it says the project must have been begun before the jam starts.  Are participants required to list their project(s) ahead of time before the start date of January 15, 2024?  Thanks

That's good to know, thanks!  I will definitely plan to participate if it does go ahead.

Thanks, I really enjoy seeing what others have created!  I missed the upload deadline this game jam, but I am hoping to make one or more entries in the next BASIC dialects game jam, looking forward to it!

Thanks for making this available!  This looks really good.

Thanks, that would be really neat I look forward to seeing any future enhancements or more features you might add in the future!  (Sorry about the duplicate post earlier, that was not intentional)

I didn't realize that AGK was available for download without time limitation via the trial version, but that's good to know thanks!  I really like using AGK as well, it's a good quality product.

Will the BlastFX App function on a Windows 7 OS machine beyond December of 2023?  The Steam client app is being deactivated on Windows 7 OS beginning in 2024.  Is there a standalone BlastFX App available for purchase that runs independently of the Steam client App?

Do you charge per hour, per minute, per word, or per project?  Do you have a URL / link that gives rates for voice acting services offered?  Thanks

I plan to use AppGameKit (AGK) which should be up to the task.  It is not specifically a visual novel engine, but it is a development platform which is versatile enough to be used for that purpose.

Congrats on getting your game done and submitted by the Jam's deadline.  Sadly I missed the deadline, but I hope to be better prepared for BASIC Dialects Game Jam #6!!

My feedback: This game has some strengths and weaknesses, but in any case it is a completed project.

When I first initially played the game, what impressed me was the quality of the artwork in the title page.  Of all the games in this BASIC Dialects Game Jam that I have played, the artwork in this game's title page has left me with the greatest impression.  The music also is highly adequate, if not superb.  I'm not sure exactly how, but the music fits in very well with the game's atmosphere and genre.

I loved the level of creativity in the design of this game.  This was definitely one of the most, if not the most, uniquely creative games that I played in this Game Jam.  The way that the story is integrated into the game is excellent, and the "riddle mouths" reinforce the game's story to the player.  Well done!

There are a few weaknesses that this game needs to address as well.  From the title page, it is not obvious to the user what needs to be done next in order to proceed with the game itself.  I actually thought there was a browser incompatibility or that the game had froze.  But after pressing the mouse button and several other keys, I discovered by chance that it is the spacebar that causes the game to proceed from the title page.  There should definitely be some guidance provided to the user, such as "Press spacebar to begin" or some similar text.

Not to nitpick or scrutinize, but there are spelling errors and awkwardly constructed sentences and phrases throughout the game.  This detracts modestly from the game's storyline.  And, there's some mildly crude worded content I came across as well, which the game could better do without.

The game itself has pleasing graphics and aesthetics, generally.  However, whether or not intentional, the character does not animate while moving, but makes abrupt "jumps" from one floor square to another.  Maybe this was the intended effect, I am not sure.  I thought while playing that it would nice if the character slid smoothly from square to square, even if not animated.  So it seems a bit "clunky" to me, but again, possibly that was by design and not by oversight.  The slime creatures move in the same manner, but this might be an intended feature that does actually add to the challenge of the game - I was stopped twice unexpectedly by the slime creatures as I was trying to get across to the treasure boxes, which was a nice feature (the unexpected challenge).

I'm not sure how well or intrinsically the Game Jam's theme "Ruins" was incorporated into the game.  Maybe it's just my perspective, but it seemed to me like the theme was not strongly interwoven into the game's content.

I really liked the variety of the tiled graphics in the different levels, from one level to another level.  It added to the longevity of the game and increased its visual appeal.  Good job!

It's neat to see and experience what the Monkey X dialect of BASIC can accomplish as exhibited in this game.  Looks pretty solid to me.

My feedback: Nice game!  It definitely has an addictive aspect to it, with the "just one more try" factor like Flappy Bird and others.  I believe that its gameplay is this game's greatest single strength.

The music soundtrack is effective and consistent with the game's overall look and feel.  The graphics are appealing, and express the Game Jam's theme of "Ruins" well.  I might suggest a couple refinements: the full-screen mode worked great initially, but after pressing <Esc> on my keyboard to exit fullscreen mode, there was no way that I could reactivate fullscreen mode (unless I am overlooking something).  And then I also noticed that in windowed mode, the score would show during the game but the score is omitted or obscured while in fullscreen mode.  This doesn't affect gameplay, but it does affect the user's overall experience of the game.

Nice to see an example of what the BASIC dialect QBJS is capable of in a browser.  I am not familiar with QBJS, but if this game is any indication, it looks like a capable and robust implementation of BASIC judging by this game produced with it.  Thanks for the entry in the Game Jam, and for the inspiration it provides for me to work through and complete my own BASIC language based game projects!

My feedback: Very well polished game, with a slick seamless and intuitive user interface.  The interface's layout and its graphics are quite professional in my opinion.  The background music is effective and unobtrusive, and fits well with the overall "casual, just relaxing" atmosphere of the game.  The graphics of the game itself, apart from the menu's interface, are slick and pleasing also.  The full-screen mode worked flawlessly in my browser also without any glitches or hiccups.

I don't really have anything negative to say about this game, or much to say in the way of improvements that I can think of.  I might suggest having several soundtracks available which the user could select from, or even a random "shuffle" feature for multiple soundtracks.  This would add more variety and longevity to the game, maintaining the user's interest / engagement.  And, of course, more additional levels would always be welcome, but for the purposes of the Game Jam, I tend to think that 10 levels seems to be just fine.  Maybe some color-themed groups of levels (blue, yellow, green, etc.) could be easy to implement and would add more simple variety to the game.  I eventually got through all the levels, but not without some failed attempts and some rethinking to navigate through them!

The game adopts the "Blocks" Game Jam theme quite well.  The blocks play an integral role in the game, and are not just a surface shallow addition to the game's theme and mechanics.

Nice to see an AGK (AppGameKit) produced game - that's the same BASIC dialect and system that I am learning and it is capable of producing superb results in many different game genres.  I am not affiliated with AGK or paid by AGK in any way; from my own use I just think it's overall an excellent development system with a solid, comprehensive BASIC dialect included.

My feedback: I love the concept of this game - it reminds me of both Lemmings and Chilly Willy combined into one.  It adopts the Game Jam's theme nicely, emphasizing blocks as its main game component, and more than just merely loosely added as a non-central theme of the game.

I especially like how the game's challenge gently progresses over the first few levels, giving the player opportunity to learn how to play the game and slowly develop skills.

In my opinion, as good as the game is, it could be significantly improved with just the following 2 revisions.  1. Pressing the directional arrow should change the wizard's facing direction first without immediately also moving the wizard to the adjacent floor tile.  This way, the wizard could create ice blocks in certain locations without the need to move several times to reposition into the needed floor tile.  2. Some unobtrusive background music playing during the gameplay would add much to the user's enjoyment and overall appeal of the game.

It is good to see a game made using AOz Studio.  Years ago, I dabbled in STOS (the ancestor of AMOS), which is an ancestor of AOz Studio.  More recently I've been using the excellent AGK (AppGameKit) tier 1 (a dialect of BASIC), but I also strongly considered using AOz Studio which appears to be another fine product which uses its own BASIC dialect.  Nice game submission, and thank you for helping to inspire me to continue with my own BASIC game projects!

My feedback: I like how the game adopts the Game Jam's themes of "one enemy" and "blocks".  The music fits with the overall look and feel of the game also.  The gameplay itself however, could use some refining or tuning - it seems to me that the enemy starts with an excessive amount of endurance points, which causes the game to be drawn out longer than it should be.  Maybe another idea could be to do a level system where the one enemy has little endurance initially, but then gets more endurance on later levels along with weapon upgrades?  But, in any case a good effort and a complete game, unlike my project which I failed to complete before the Jam's submission deadline!

This game looks great

Thanks - tried with Brave browser under Linux.

That's really neat having 3 minigames in 1 overall game!  I like the artwork too, especially the title page and the introduction.

That game has an intense theme!

Nice simple game!  I like how the fruit actually animates and doesn't just fall as static images.