I slept most of the day and only worked for about 6 hours when excluding several breaks and preparations.
I'd been boosting myself using dark chocolate, but I know that it's not something sustainable. After this jam, I'll change into cocoa without sugar and just eat instant noodles if I need emergency energy boost.
I'm trying to do Tai Chi regularly, though some days I had to skip since my body couldn't push any further like how it was yesterday. My eyes was sored to the point that it felt dry and rough. That's one of reasons I slept a lot.
So the most I made was just the boss character with all the animations ready to make into game character.
I'll try to finish the rest of the assets in the next session. So I could spend the rest few days try to finish the entire game which is rather big. I'm not sure if I could finish it up honestly, but it shouldn't be impossible to have the playable build before the jam ended.