Hey, I'm making a fishing game (it's a spooky one don't worry).
Hey, I'm making a fishing game (it's a spooky one don't worry).
- I wouldn't just trace an image, but there's definitely nothing wrong with using one as a reference. Perhaps you could trace it initially and then modify it enough that it looks original.
- Sampled sounds aren't allowed, but if you're stuck for sound effects you can use tools like jsfxr, chiptone, sfxia, etc. And they will sound better than downsampled sounds anyway.
- It doesn't need to be authentic sounding gameboy music. Not everybody has the know-how to do this, and the mods wanted everyone to be able to enjoy the jam. Obviously try to make it as chiptuney as you possibly can, but don't sweat it if it doesn't sound like it's coming straight out of GB hardware.
Haven't used Godot enough to help you there. I know it's definitely possible, so hopefully someone can help you out with that one.
For the 4-color limitation, I coded a dumb post processing shader that converts everything to a 4-color palette :)
Its useful to make sure to stick to the rules, here's the core section:
uniform sampler2D u_image; // final image as tex uniform vec3 u_palette[4]; // color palette in vec2 v_texcoord; // text coords out vec4 fragColor; // final color void main() { // Since its a PostProcessing shader, I have access to the final image as texture vec4 tex = texture(u_image, v_texcoord); // Than I compute the lumimance (color => grey-scale conversion) // This is optional, you can even do normal weighted average // by adding each channel and dividing by 3. float avg = 0.2126 * tex.r + 0.7152 * tex.g + 0.0722 * tex.b; // Than I divide the color spectrum in 4 sections (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0) // and assign an index for each of them, going from black-ish to white-ish // x < 0.25 => #0 // 0.25 <= x < 0.50 => #1 // 0.50 <= x < 0.75 => #2 // 0.75 <= x => #3 int index = (avg < 0.25) ? 0 : (avg < 0.5) ? 1 : (avg < 0.75) ? 2 : 3; // Than the index access a palette (uniform of 4 vec3) fragColor = vec4(u_palette[index], 1.0); }
For palettes, you can access sites like this:
For Godot, PostProcessing shaders can be integrated easily, try following this guide: