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A member registered Oct 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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It annoys me that people are slapping the term "AI" on everything these days (not your fault). What you're talking about here is interpolation, and these kind of tools have been around before AI. They don't generate art - they simply add skewed frames to what you have already created in order to make it look smoother. I'm not a host, but I can't see it being a problem. 

I really appreciate the No AI filtering, but it seems a bit backwards. Ideally it should be applied by default, or alternatively, I'd recommend a checkbox in your profile settings under "Content — How content on is shown to you"
If that is selected, then any future searches will automatically have No AI applied so you can set it and forget it.


It uses a completely different code base and has no ties to love except for a similar looking API.

These are excellent quality GB sounds, and I appreciate the extra wav/ogg uploads as well. I like how you can mix them around too, like the chest open and block-break also work great as door open and close if you prefer noise over square for that kind of thing (like me). 10/10

Fuel timer is really right, so it's hard as balls, but the 1-bit visuals and sound design are superb. Movement was very well done also. Nice job!

These are really compressed synths. Is this AI generated?

It's criminal this only has 15 votes to date. Absolutely incredible game. Everything felt so satisfying, and the movement was done very well. I appreciate the inclusion of spacebar to propel forwards - I found that much easier than the mouse button.
Seriously, well done and thank you for the game.

I really like unique spins on existing games, especially card/dice games. Once I picked up the gist of Grid Lock I was hooked. With a more fleshed out UI and sound effects there's a lot of potential here. I'm not too sure the light bulb would be necessary, but in the interest of the theme it totally makes sense. Great submission, and I hope you decide to continue working on this idea.

This has a really good feel to it, and all the little sound effects really make it come together. I did get jump scared every time I saw a creature and sprayed my bullets all over the place lol, but it was still fun. Great work on the art too

Solving a puzzle feels good. Never having played a puzzle, like sudoku before, researching it and successfully solving it feels even better. And I've honestly never used a rotary combination lock safe before, so that was also a new experience for me. Top notch presentation also. The color shader gives it a nice retro/gloomy aesthetic. Nice work, and thank you for introducing me to new things!

Naw I didn't manage to beat it. Got really far, but died, which hurt because the generator had a full tank of gas D:
Will definitely be coming back to this one to finish it

Not sure if it was wine's fault (I'm on Linux) or my GPU, but I wasn't getting many frames so it was pretty laggy, but I enjoyed the visuals and mechanics. Really impressive to see a game like this made in a limited amount of time for a jam.

Damn this was cool. Got that retro 3D atmosphere that I LOVE. The reverb soaked sound effects just added to that in a good way. Big fan.

Always been a fan of jump king mechanics, so this resonated with me. Sound design was really good for a pico8 game (I have no idea how you pull that off), and the concept art was very inspired - great job, Finn!
The trajectory line was very welcome, and I liked how easy it was to differentiate oneway platforms from solid ones. Good game!

I usually have a lot of trouble with 3D platformers, but this was surprisingly easy to move and navigate, so even made it to last big yellow platform without too much trouble! Love the low poly style and the different sounds of the gems. Nice game!

"You play as a crab". Okay, sold! I love the idea of picking up random objects and flinging them at enemies. Maybe some health bars would have been nice on the large hand guys, just so you know which ones are lower health to clean them up first. Very chill and entertaining game for sure!

Love the idea of a punch-out style boss fight. Second boss kicked my butt because I wasn't too sure how to properly dodge his attacks. Despite moving away I still got chunked every punch. Overall really cool concept  with an arcade feel, which I'm all for.

Soft lock definitely wasn't intentional xD Death and victory animations were on my list, but I sadly ran out of time and had to submit the game before I went travelling. Appreciate you firing up wine and giving it a go :)

My years of playing Donkey Kong Country prepared me for this moment. Really addictive (and fun) game. It has that "Just one more" feeling to it. The art and sound really fit the vibe well. Nice work!

This was charming. The music box playing in the background sounding like star twinkles was a perfect accommodation to the rest of the atmosphere. Really unique take on a puzzle game and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thanks! Yeah that's exactly how I wanted to do things, but I only found out about the jam half way through, and only had a couple of days to work on it, so I felt forced to cram as much in as I could with just a few levels. Thanks for the feedback and playing :)

Thanks for playing! Yeah I think that soft lock got a lot of people. When I first started working on this, the monkey could travel across single tile gaps so it was never a problem. Eventually I reduced his width to make navigating the tight levels easier, but completely forgot about that scenario in level 1...

I'll be honest, I've never played a tower defense game before, but this game sold me on the genre. The in-game tutorial was fantastic too. Really impressive all-round.

Hey thanks so much for the kind words. Janky mechanics are definitely part of the retro vibes (though it wasn't intentional haha). Hopefully post-jam I can iron out a lot of the problems for a more pleasurable experience.

Ah crap, I just noticed I packaged it incorrectly. It worked for me when testing because I have love2d installed, so I didn't even notice. Thanks for letting me know. The win64 version should work no problem in wine if don't mind using that. Sorry about that!

Thanks for playing and feedback! Yeah surprisingly the vine climbing was really hard to get right (which I still didn't manage lol).

Just how I love my golf - violent. Was expecting a regular 3D golf game, but I was pleasantly surprised!

This was pretty cool. It was difficult trying to guess how much power was required, but it pushed me to try and keep getting better. The atmosphere was nice with the soft music, rain and wind

This game was a complete vibe. I love the synthwave aesthetic and music, and the game itself was immensely enjoyable and addictive. I'll be playing this one again.

Yo hold up, I love this. It reminds me of Tapper. For someone fairly new to game dev you nailed it.

Such an adorable game. The mechanic of a portable checkpoint is really unique, though it's punishing if you die while holding it D:
Still, fantastic entry. Great vibes.

lol that went in a direction that I was not expecting, but I like being surprised. Pixel art was really nice and I enjoyed the mechanics. Nice work!

I'm a sucker for puzzle platformers. This had some really interesting ideas. Would definitely come back for some more Technician Terry

I absolutely adore this concept and the pixel art. Very polished game, but as I'm useless with my left hand, I find controlling platformers near impossible with wasd and space. Arrow keys and z,x would have been a nice option. Other than a non-ambidextrous friendly control layout, fantastic entry!

Very cool idea. Something about these wave based games I find addicting. The big boss kept it fresh, but my guns were too big for him to handle. I had too much pow pow power.

Yo thanks so much! Yeah I'm definitely hoping to get those issues ironed out post-jam. Really appreciate the feedback.

Very cool idea. Nice work!

It's 1985 and you just received your pocket money, so you run to the arcade to bust out some Famulus. That's how this game made me feel, and I'm all for it. 10/10

Many thanks!

Thank you :)